A Corporate Confession of Sin
It is good to confess our sins. It is good to corporately confess our sins. This corporate confession based on Psalm 38 is one we use from time to time at Grace Fellowship Church. I hope you appreciate it as we do.
Leader:O Lord,Please do not punish us for our sins.Hold back your discipline from us.We feel sick over our sins.We are drowning in our sins.The guilt of our sins clings to us like a weight around our ankles.Our sins are too much for us.
Congregation:We have been so foolish.Our folly stinks. It is gross in Your sight.We are crushed and full of sorrow for what we have done.We are burning up with guilt.We are groaning here.Our hearts hurt.
Leader:O Lord, listen to our cries and sighs.Our hearts are throbbing.Our strength is fading.Our hope is dimming, because of our sins.Not even our closest friends and family can help us.
Congregation:Besides this, our enemy has laid even more snares.He parades our ruin before You.He meditates on how to trip us up.
Leader:But we will plug our ears and shut our mouths.We have nothing left to say.We will not listen to that Accuser.But for You, O Lord, we will wait.You are the only one who can answer us in our need.The world, the flesh and the devil will rejoice in our failings.But not you.
Congregation:O Lord, we are ready to tear apart at the seams.We cannot shake the pain of our guilt.
Leader:We confess our iniquities.We are sorry for our sins.
Congregation:Remember the strength of our enemies.Remember the number of our enemies.Remember the wickedness of our enemies.
Leader:And do not forsake us, O Lord.O our God, do not be far from us.Hurry up and help us!For You alone, O Lord, are our salvation.
Leader: Christian, because your life is hidden in Christ and you have honestly asked for His forgiveness, be assured that “He does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in steadfast love. He will again have compassion on us; he will tread our iniquities underfoot. [He] will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea (Micah 7:18b–19).”