Free Stuff Fridays (Boyce College)
Parents of teens are always on the lookout for discipleship material. Today, you are invited to enter the Boyce College/D3 Giveaway to win those resources for free! That includes free tuition for a Boyce College dual credit course valued at over $1,200!
Whether you are a pastor or a parent of teens, you are always on the lookout for ways to grow your student’s faith. Enter to win resources to help accomplish your goals through the Boyce College/D3 Winter Conference Giveaway. Here are some of the items Boyce College and D3 are making available to our contest winners:
Student Discipleship Resource Bundle*
Boyce College dual credit course (3 credit hours) online or on-campus ($,1200 value) plus these books:
God and the Transgender Debate, by Andrew Walker
Turning Everyday Conversations into Gospel Conversations, by Jimmy Scroggins and Steve Wright
How Does Sanctification Work? by David Powlison
This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years, by Jaquelle Crowe
NASB Grace & Truth Study Bible
Pastor Resource Bundle*:
D3 swag includes a personalized ¼ zip pullover, plus these titles:
God and the Transgender Debate, by Andrew Walker
Praying the Bible, by Donald Whitney
Deep Discipleship, by J.T. English
50 Core Truths of the Christian Faith, by Gregg Allison
NASB Grace & Truth Study Bible
*Winners will be drawn randomly and notified by email from Boyce College