A La Carte (January 24)
Blessings to you today, my friends.
(Yesterday on the blog: What Does Your Faith Do For You?)
The latest video from the John 10:10 Project looks at some of God’s most incredible creatures.
The New Testament Explosion
Mitch Chase considers the significance of the NT being written over just 50 years or so (where the OT was written over about 1,000).
What to Do Before You Read the Bible
Joe Holland shares the prayer he prays before he reads the Bible. “Father, as I approach your Word today, would you comfort me, confront me, and use it your Word to conform me more and more into the image of your Son, through the power of your Spirit, Amen.”
‘I Don’t Want to Die’
This such a tragic yet important article. “Since Canada legalized euthanasia in 2016, there has been a strange balancing act at the heart of its medical system. There is a national suicide prevention hotline you can call 24/7, where sympathetic operators will try to talk you out of killing yourself. But today there are also euthanasia hotlines, where operators will give you the resources you need to carry out your wish. Doctors and nurse practitioners are now in the business of saving the lives of some patients while providing death to others.”
Where Do You Draw Lines for Ministry Partnerships?
I enjoyed John Piper’s explanation of where he draws lines when it comes to ministry partnerships.
What does it mean to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God?
Harry Reeder explains the well-known (but perhaps not well-understood) words of Romans 12:1.
Flashback: When the Battlefield Goes Quiet
We have scorned what God loves and loved what God scorns. Yet in his mercy God has saved us and indwelled us by his Spirit and begun to give us new desires, new longings for holiness.
The best moment of a Christian’s life is his last one, because it is the one that is nearest heaven. And then it is that he begins to strike the keynote of the song which he shall sing to all eternity. —C.H. Spurgeon