Are Christian Hedonists Happier Than Unbelievers?
If there is no resurrection, then Christians haven’t just wasted their lives. We’ve misrepresented God and falsely taught in his name.
If there is no resurrection, then Christians haven’t just wasted their lives. We’ve misrepresented God and falsely taught in his name.
Is permanent birth control a sin? Pastor John draws on principles for marriage, sex, human life, and the sovereignty of God.
Joy is essential to the Christian life, but it’s not the only component. From our hearts’ delight in God flows the desire to please him in the ways we think and act.
Christianity isn’t simply a way of life or a new morality. Christianity is about the best news in all the world that we now herald in word and song.
The New Testament speaks of varying degrees of reward in heaven, but that doesn’t mean there will be any envy or boasting. All will experience fullness of joy in their own capacity.
Injury doesn’t have to impede our ability to grow in and witness to Christ. God wants to use our weakness for his glory.
We may not always know precisely why God does what he does, but we can always trust his infinite wisdom, righteousness, and justice.
The doctrine of election isn’t just a point of theology to study, but a profound truth that awakens amazement for all God has done.
What Jesus Christ offers in the gospel isn’t merely a band-aid for sin, but everlasting joy that outweighs any and every earthly pleasure.
Left to ourselves, we cannot discern or remove the flaws in our thoughts. But God’s word and the Holy Spirit can renew our minds.