Ask Pastor John

Do I Tithe to My Church or to God?

When we give money to our churches and to God through them, we need to always remember that every desire and ability to serve and give are themselves gifts from God.

What to Do When God Feels Distant

When we feel no joy, when we go to Scripture and walk away discouraged, when God feels distant, what can we do?

Does the First Sin Undermine Christian Hedonism?

Pastor John teaches how the first sin displayed a heart that did not trust nor treasure God.

Don’t Become an Entertainment-Addicted, Approval Junkie

When we as a church assume that we are owed cultural dominance and prosperity, our otherworldly hope can quickly begin to fade.

Is My Lack of Joy Sinful?

Whenever we talk about emotions in the Christian life, like joy, we need to remember that we all experience life differently, and God has grace for all our shortcomings.

Advice to Teens About Their Parents

When a Christian teen disagrees with their Christian parent, are they both stuck, or is there more to pursue than agreeing to disagree?

Do Pets Go to Heaven?

Only humans are made in God’s image, and only humans can be redeemed. So do we have any biblical basis for saying our pets will be in heaven?

The Dangers of Nostalgia

The past isn’t just a source for nostalgia and fond memories, but a reservoir of God’s grace that empowers our faith in all that God has promised to be for us.

How to Make a Difference in the World

We only have one life on this earth to devote to honoring and glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t waste it; make it count.

Does Your Theology Drive Your Exegesis?

The content of a pastor’s preaching should connect directly with his text. To preach faithfully is to show your people the truths that are really present in a passage of Scripture.

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