Ask Pastor John

Can a Woman Preach If Elders Affirm It?

All men and women should be active in ministry. The question is how. Pastor John explains why God reserves Sunday-morning preaching for men.

Counsel for White Cops

Christian police officers have a God-given platform to advocate for positive change in their communities. Pastor John offers four pieces of advice for speaking on race.

What the Church Offers for Race Relations

Churches are not social action agencies, but Christ does call his community to embody and witness to the power and values of his kingdom.

The Real Cost of Pornography

Pornography and lust may seem harmless at first, but, in the end, they may just cost you the most precious gift in all the universe.

What Hope Does God Give Lonely Singles?

Longing for marriage can be a good, God-given desire. But finding a spouse can never replace our primary life’s passion: seeing and savoring Jesus Christ.

Dating and Marriage for the Victims of Past Abuse

The Church is made of broken people who look to Jesus for satisfaction and joy. Many in the church experienced sexual abuse and struggle in their relationships.

Signs a Single Should Stop Dating

To be ready for a dating relationship, a young man or woman doesn’t only need availability and desire, but a growing relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Should a Boyfriend “Lead” His Girlfriend?

Boyfriends should take the initiative to lead their girlfriends in ways that are appropriate outside the marriage covenant — especially when it comes to sexual purity.

Should I Date a Godly Girl I Do Not Find Attractive?

Our culture may place a high premium on looks, but what attracts godly people isn’t just the right physical features, but the spirit and character that lay underneath.

Should My Church Help Me Get Married?

The local church is a community for all kinds of people, including every age group. And members should constantly be looking for ways to learn from and serve one another across generations.

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