Ask Pastor John

Is My Relationship with God Healthy?

There are certain tests from the Bible that help us know if our relationship with God is a good one.

Are New Testament Ethics Final or Trajectory-Setting?

If you think the New Testament simply sets a trajectory for ethics, you might effectively strip the Bible of its final authority.

Can a Spiritually Dead Soul Thirst for God?

Unless the Spirit gives us eyes to see that the true God is beautiful and desirable, we won’t seek him.

How Open Should I Be with My Parents?

Trusting your parents by being honest is a huge honor to them.

Declare War on Sin

There is a mean streak in Christianity, and it is not against anybody else but ourselves and our sinfulness.

What Arminians Have Helped You Most?

Men like John and Charles Wesley, G.K. Chesterton, George MacDonald, and, in a sense, C.S. Lewis have been the most influential Arminians in Pastor John’s life.

The Camaraderie of Christian Hedonism

Christian fellowship does not distract from the supreme glory of God in the believer’s life, it testifies to it.

Is My Boyfriend’s Video-Game Addiction a Marriage Deal-Breaker?

An addiction to video games says something about a man’s subjection to Christ, state of mind, self-control, and fitness to lead a family.

Advice for Fathers of Sons

For fathers of new sons, Pastor John summarizes his encouragement: Be a weeping, happy, loving father full of God, full of truth, full of joy.

Pray This Daily for Your Family

If you want your kids, spouse, parents, coworkers, and friends to know God — if you want to know God — rehearse Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3.

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