Ask Pastor John

Use Commas to Love Your Reader

Pastor John commends the well-placed comma to writers along with this encouragement: good grammar invites writers to love their readers.

Can I Approach God with a Joyless Heart?

Jesus is the joy that we seek. Go to him when you feel empty, weary, or broken down, and he will supply you with rest and refreshment.

Which Comes First, Obedience or Joy?

Does our joy in God drive our obedience to his will, or does obeying God produce our joy?

Discernment Gone Wrong

In protecting doctrinal purity, Christians must be careful not to lose sight of the beauty of what they are protecting.

Is Oral Sex Okay?

Is oral sex prohibited in the Bible, and is it unkind?

Is Election Divine Favoritism?

Does God play favorites? Pastor John explains how God is only good and only wise in his decisions to choose some and not others.

Does Christian Hedonism Confuse Joy and Faith?

Does it muddy the water to say that saving faith must include joy in God? Or does it bring an extra note of clarity?

To a Spouse Considering Divorce

When everything in a marriage feels broken, what do you do? Pastor John offers hope for overwhelmed spouses.

Why Sex Is Not the Root of Sexual Sins

The misuse of sex is only a symptom of a far graver disease. Sexual sin arises when we lose our joy in God and go looking for it elsewhere.

What Tools Do I Need to Study the Bible?

Bible study resources abound. So which tools do you need as you delve into personal Bible study?

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