Goodbye, Burger King?
Our meal choice has not always been a moral issue, but Burger King and other restaurants are starting to make it one.
Our meal choice has not always been a moral issue, but Burger King and other restaurants are starting to make it one.
God made us for joy in him, so he knows that by maximizing himself — not us — he achieves our greatest joy.
Are you wasting your life? Pastor John answers by reminding us why we exist — to know and love God.
Is it possible to backslide so long and so deeply that there is no return? Pastor John answers “yes” but offers hope for Christians who repent.
We love to talk about it, but can we define it? God means for us not only to see his glory profusely, but to speak about it precisely.
God is not distant from us, but agonizes with us over sin and suffering and sorrows. He is angry at our sin. But he also rejoices over his people.
Physical, emotional, and spiritual needs abound in the world. Pastor John encourages women of God can meet them.
How do believers respond to the inevitable suffering of this life? Pastor John explains what it means to be “sorrowful, yet always rejoicing.”
God is speaking to us. His word tells us what he wants us to know, and what we need to hear.
God’s glory is transformative. When Christians behold his glory in his word by his Spirit, we change to be more like Christ.