Ask Pastor John

Look at the Book — New Chapter in Piper’s Legacy

How did Look at the Book begin? Pastor John explains its past and shares his hopes for its future: to give all Christians confidence in Bible reading.

Sing to the Lord, Alone

Singing to the Lord can enrich your devotions and enliven your soul, even if you aren’t a natural singer.

Suicide and Salvation

A final act of self-murder is not necessarily decisive in determining if someone was saved. God regards the whole life.

Explaining Adoption to Your Adopted Child

Talking to your children about their adoption requires timing and initiation.

Counsel for Couples Pondering Adoption

Adoption is an eternal reality. God planned it before he founded the earth. Now, we have the chance to act it out.

One Beautiful Adoption Story

Adoption is hard, and parenting often hurts, but God can create happy stories even in those difficulties.

Vision for Your Family Vacation

Vacations are a time to rest and refresh. What does it look like for a dad to share the leadership of the family with his wife while on break?

A Theology of Vacations

For believers, both work and rest become redemptive tools in God’s hands to advance his kingdom.

Can I Believe the Whole Bible and Not Be Elect?

Sincere belief cannot exist apart from salvation. Pastor John unpacks the implications of believing that the Bible — all of it — is true.

Do I Love God or Just Love Loving Him?

Holiness, news, risk, and suffering. Pastor John offers four words for four tests to determine whether you love God or just love loving God.

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