Ask Pastor John

What Joy Did Jesus Not Already Have?

How can anything make God more or less joyful than he already is? Does the joy of God ever fluctuate?

MLK’s Most Powerful Words

On April 16, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. penned “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” a vivid report of racial injustice and oppression.

The Future of Race in the Church

The light will become lighter and the dark will become darker. The world is changing, but sin, Jesus, and the every-knee-will-bow reality will not.

Civil Rights 50 Years Later

We live in racial realities that 50 years ago would have been inconceivable. But our church and country continue to chart new multiethnic territories.

Tony Evans, Race, and the Bible

Jesus crossed painful racial lines at the well two thousand years ago. Pastor John recounts Tony Evans’s powerful message from John 4 at Kainos 2014.

Is Fornication Worse Than Porn?

Both premarital sex and pornography addiction harm men and women alike, but in different ways. So which sin is worse?

Breaking My Addiction to Entertainment

Pastor John shares six ways that Christians can begin to sever the cords of their addiction to entertainment.

Should We Read the Holy Books of Other Religions?

Pastor John gives his take on whether or not Christians should feel obligated to read the holy books of other religions.

Cautions for New Calvinists

What kind of pitfalls exist in the “New Calvinism” movement? What do New Calvinists need to beware of?

What Must I Believe to Be Saved?

Our sin, God’s holiness, and Jesus’s cross are the core truths around which saving faith is formed.

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