Is Porn the Unforgivable Sin?
If you feel in bondage to pornography, don’t assume it’s too late to repent. But don’t assume that repentance can wait until tomorrow.
If you feel in bondage to pornography, don’t assume it’s too late to repent. But don’t assume that repentance can wait until tomorrow.
Pastor John explains how humanity’s terrifying problems meet God’s glorious remedies in Romans 3:25.
Was God unfair on the cross? No. Pastor John proclaims two life-changing truths about the substitution of Christ in our place.
Whether rock climbing or crosswords, hobbies can encourage or discourage a believer’s relationship with God.
Believers can boast in their weaknesses, but crush the sin that slithers through their hearts.
Pastor John encourages women to cultivate a beautiful heart for the God who truly sees them before laboring over a beautiful appearance for everyone else.
Although moms and dads should both discipline their kids, God calls husbands to be engaged leaders and servants in their homes.
Loving criticism must always work with heartfelt care for the good of another. Unloving criticism acts out of a prideful spirit unaware of the need for grace.
Christ’s glory shines most fully, most brightly, most durably by making a complete atonement for sin on the cross and interceding for us in heaven.
Sometimes, the aching desire to want to worship God is itself worship. But what happens when a Christian feels nothing at all?