Do I Worship God?
When the eyes see God’s beauty and the mind understands God’s worth, the heart overflows in worship.
When the eyes see God’s beauty and the mind understands God’s worth, the heart overflows in worship.
Leaving a church for any reason is a serious matter; when should I leave a church to find a wife?
Not only does abortion attack God’s image by murdering his image-bearers — it assaults God’s own Son, who came to earth by Mary’s womb.
The Bible doesn’t include a list of God-approved words. Christians should instead ask, Does my speech exalt Christ? Does it build others up?
Pastor John encourages listeners to settle on a single Bible translation and commends the ESV as his go-to and recommended one.
Andy Davis’s method for memorizing Scripture helps believers on their way to retain long passages one day, and one verse, at a time.
We don’t have to memorize the Bible — we get to. Lovers of God delight to read, know, and recite his precious word.
A happy home can empower ministry, but struggles at home can deplete its power. Pastor John shares six counsels for a joyful family and ministry.
Dads joyfully lead their households so that each member can flourish to the fullest extent God has planned.
Scripture does not promise deliverance from harm in the present age. But in Christ, we will all get the best healing in the age to come.