When Leaders Don’t Affirm Your Ministry
What should Christians do when their church’s elders hesitate to put them in a position of leadership?
What should Christians do when their church’s elders hesitate to put them in a position of leadership?
When we consider definite atonement, we must always ask, “What do you mean when you say ‘Jesus died for all?’”
Billy Graham preached the gospel faithfully. But as he got older, he said some troubling words. So how should we think about our heroes as they age?
Despite controversy, Billy Graham, Bob Jones, and John Piper’s father shared a desire to see Christ glorified and millions saved.
Pastor John relates Billy Graham’s impact on his life, from their personal meetings, to his crusades, to his time at Bob Jones University.
We do not share in guilt, but we do bear the shame of past iniquity in America. We must respond now with a chastened gratitude for unearned blessings and with a zeal to remedy the shame.
Podcasts stir us up by way of reminder, provide a platform for raw, inviting experiences with God, and help us make the best use of the time.
Seeking God requires firm resolve. But should Christians wait until the New Year comes around before making any resolutions?
In using ghostwriters, authors hide their own weaknesses and put money before the truth. Therefore, ghostwriting is out of step with the way of Christ.
Help through tragedy. Global Impact. App Development. Pastor John reflects on past grace and anticipates future grace to and through the ministry of Desiring God.