Ask Pastor John

Must a Wife Take Her Husband’s Last Name?

Pastor John offers cultural, practical, and biblical support for his encouragement for wives to take their husbands’ last names.

Has My Heart Sinned Even If I Stop Words from Exiting My Mouth?

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks — but what if we stop the speaking? Have we still sinned?

Make War Against Pouting

All sin makes war on the Christian, so the Christian must make war on all sin — whether sexual immorality or self-pity.

Busy Pastors and Biblical Encounters, Part Two

How does God provide the food so that his appointed shepherds — time-pressured, busy pastors — can feed their flocks?

Busy Pastors and Biblical Encounters, Part One

Academia affords more leisurely time to study the Bible, but the pastorate compels shepherds to find daily biblical nourishment daily to feed themselves and their flock.

Charismatic Abuses? Discernment and Finances

Discernment and financial abuses exist in charismatic and non-charismatic churches alike. Pastor John urges believers to cling to the word of God.

Charismatic Abuses? Doctrinal and Emotional

Flaws litter charismatic and non-charismatic churches alike. Pastor John has two biblical warnings for those who prize feelings over mature thinking.

What Is Prophecy Today?

Do new-covenant prophecies carry the same level of authority as Scripture? Pastor John explains three reasons why they don’t.

John MacArthur and Strange Fire

Paul told the Corinthians to earnestly desire the gift of prophecy. But should Christians today do the same?

Travel Updates and Prayer Requests

Pastor John talks about his plans to strengthen pastors in the Middle East and asks listeners to pray for strength.

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