Is Tithing Commanded for Christians?
Christ has fulfilled the Old Testament law for his people. But does that mean God no longer expects us to tithe?
Christ has fulfilled the Old Testament law for his people. But does that mean God no longer expects us to tithe?
Ninety percent of our daily decisions have no guiding list. But a mind renewed by God through his word and Spirit can know the delightful taste of God’s will.
The mark of Jesus’s sheep is that they hear and believe the saving word of the gospel preached to them.
Pastor John gives a taste of the upcoming Desiring God National Conference, centered around C.S. Lewis.
Pastor John unpacks the story of the rich man and Lazarus to show the great chasm fixed between believers and unbelievers after death.
The Lord can and will show mercy to sinners who repent in the eleventh hour. Yet, spiritual corpses who love their sin cannot raise themselves from the dead.
Believers walk day by day as servants of others because their Savior is alive, their Father is King, the Spirit is present, and their reward is coming.
There are rich biblical grounds for saying, “Yes, believers do need role models in Christ.” God has given us one another to imitate.
Marriage — and dating on that trajectory — cannot be the beautiful union God designed it to be if he himself is not in the picture.
There is a time for everything. When confronted by our sin, sorrow is the appropriate reaction — the one that can lead to true repentance.