Ask Pastor John

Avoiding Ministry Burnout

Pastor John shares eight practical counsels to avoid ministry burnout, starting with, “Love what you do.”

Help! I’m Addicted to Lying

When a lie would win approval and favor from others, a Christian’s truth-telling hinges on contentment in the approval and favor of God.

God Loves the Sinner, But Hates the Sin?

If we don’t understand that God finds us hateful and loathsome in our sin, we won’t be as stunned by the depth of his love for us.

How Do I Know I’m Saved?

Believers know their own sin all too well. How can they know they are saved? Pastor John offers encouragement for those struggling with assurance.

Slavery and Jonathan Edwards

Though a great thinker, Jonathan Edwards was blind on the issue of slavery. Pastor John offers five sobering responses to those who read him.

Is Discouragement a Sin?

The Bible accommodates strong, godly emotions, but how do we know when godly anger or discouragement has become sinful?

God Does Make Much of Us

Pastor John explains how God actually does make much of us, so that we might make much of him.

Childlike, Not Childish

How can Christians pursue a childlike faith while growing mature in their thinking like the Bible commands?

Trayvon, Race, and Gospel Ministry

In this special episode of APJ, Pastor John weighs into the non-guilty verdict of George Zimmerman.

Can I Say ‘God Loves You’ to Unbelievers?

Although God loves his people with a special, electing love, he loves all people by freely offering his Son for them to receive.

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