Ask Pastor John

How Do Believers Exceed the Works of Jesus?

Jesus promised that we would do greater works than he did. What does that mean, and have you done any?

Fasting from Twitter and Facebook

Social media can reveal how much we love to be known and liked. It’s one mirror revealing our fear of man.

Twitter Goals and “Humble Brags”

How should believers use social media? In a world that loves broadcasting selfies and counting retweets, we must find better ways to tweet.

How Can We Serve One Another in Battling Lust?

Lust is serious enough to take extreme measures to put to death. This applies not only to our own efforts but also to the efforts of accountability partners.

Living Easter Sunday’s Victory on Monday Morning

If the realities of Monday morning threaten the joys we found on Easter Sunday, we haven’t realized promises given to us at the cross.

What Makes Easter So Special?

What we celebrate on Easter is the foundational hinge of Christianity.

Do You Use Bible Commentaries Written by Women?

Does a pastor’s use of a female-authored commentary put him in opposition to Paul’s instruction that women should not teach or have authority over men in the church?

How Do I Know If I Love the Gifts More Than the Giver?

The possibility of turning God’s gifts into idols is a result of sin. But this doesn’t mean we should reject the gifts.

How Jesus’s Glory Drives Creative Communication

It is foolish and prideful to believe we can save anyone with the words we choose. But God chooses to save through “the word of Christ,” so how should we think about the language we use?

Can We Reconcile Creation and Evolution?

Is it possible to combine evolution with Christianity? Should we even try?

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