Ask Pastor John

Priorities for Youth Pastors

What are the fundamental truths that youth leaders and pastors should drill into the hearts of young people today?

What Does Christian Hedonism Offer the Depressed?

Our joy does not only glorify God when we feel happy and carefree. God is also glorified when we cling to his supreme worth in the midst of pain.

How Active Should We Be in the Pursuit of Joy?

Should Christians pursue joy in God, or should they wait for God to simply give it to them? Pastor John clarifies our call to rejoice in the Lord.

Does God Ever Withdraw His Presence from His Children?

Christian Hedonists affirm that we ought to be happy in God. Often, we are not. What should our response be to seasons of spiritual darkness?

Fighting Porn Addiction with Grudem’s Systematic Theology

Heaven and hell are at stake in the fight against pornography. When we recognize that, using every weapon at our disposal won’t feel extreme.

We Are Makers — Lessons on Vocation from Dorothy Sayers

Christians should think of themselves as being made new in Christ to be makers with God.

Interpreting the Miracles of Jesus

To understand the significance of Jesus’s miracles, we should begin by simply slowing down and asking, “What does this say about Jesus?”

Why False Doctrine Can Make You Happy

Does doctrine matter so long as we feel happy in God? Pastor John explains why only a true view of God can glorify him and satisfy us.

Why John Piper Recycles

Why should Christians care about this earth if we are waiting for a new one? Ultimately, it is because we love our neighbors.

The Essential Warfare for Holiness

We don’t add happiness to holiness in the Christian life. Our happiness in God is an essential piece of what it means to be holy.

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