Core Christianity

Can We Be Sure the Resurrection of Jesus Really Happened?

Episode 172 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. How do you maintain hope that the church will survive when there is so much false teaching today? 2. It seems like everyone who studies theology gets caught up in what seem like frivolous debates about nothing. Do you think it’s better if we just focus on Jesus and loving people? 3. Is it good for Christians to seek to do good in the world? 4. In the past I heard you emphasize that to be forgiven is not enough and that we need to be righteous. Can you explain what the difference is?

How Can I Know That I've Truly Repented of My Sins?

Episode 171 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. What are your favorite top resources for pointing unbelievers for the trustworthiness and truth of the Bible? 2. I have heard you guys talk about the Lord’s Supper and sometimes you call it the Eucharist. Is that a Catholic thing? 3. With there being so many different denominations in the church, do you think that this is in direct contradiction with Jesus’ prayer in John 17 for all Christians to be “one”? 4. What is the difference between true and false repentance? 5. What does the Bible mean when it talks about us being “glorified”?

Why Did Christ Have to Die on the Cross?

Episode 170 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. If we are forgiven does that mean that the law no longer applies to us? 2. Is it sinful to have homosexual desires or is it sinful only if you act on that desire? 3. How do you relate to 1 Peter 3:21 to salvation by faith where it says baptism saves you? 4. Was the primary reason for Christ’s sacrifice on the cross to appease the wrath of God and the secondary as a gift to save a remnant?

How Should Christians Resolve Conflicts in the Church?

Episode 169 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. How should Christians resolve conflicts in the church?  2. Recently I have heard apostle and apostleship used to describe leaders in the current church particularly around church planting and church leadership. Can you clear up my confusion? 3. Why do a lot of churches baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit instead of Jesus as in the Book of Acts? 4. How would you encourage a Christian who struggles with the same sins over and over? What are your thoughts on Alcoholics Anonymous?  5. What do you think about listening to non-Christian music?  6. John 13:35 says, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” This doesn’t seem true of many churches today. Is this evidence of a church that will have its lampstand removed?

Are There Different Levels of Reward in Heaven?

Episode 168 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. Is there a balance between making the gospel relevant and being Bible-based? 2. Are there different levels in Heaven based on your actions and deeds?  3. In the Bible Jesus calls a  Canaanite woman a “Dog”. Was Jesus being racist? 4. How do we reconcile the unpardonable sin and Jesus saying, “whoever comes to me I will not cast out”?

Are My Doubts Sinful?

Episode 167 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. What encouragement would you have for people suffering for the gospel in places where the church isn’t allowed to gather without persecution?  2. In another episode, you talked about doubts as not being sinful. This is completely different from what I heard growing up. Can you explain this more?  3. Should Christians set boundaries that keep us separate from the world and bad churches? 4. How can we look forward to Jesus’ return and stay positive even as we see the culture going drifting away from God and the church struggling to be faithful? 5. Are we saved by faith working through love? 

Was It Sinful For Rahab to Lie to the Spies?

Episode 166 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. Every time I attempt to serve, something happens to inhibit it. Is it possible that God could be saying “hey, just sit there and warm that bench”? 2. The incident with Rehab lying is wrong even with her saving the spies, but what would have been the correct way to respond for a Christian? 3. Is predestination by grace the same as the “once saved, always saved” teaching? 4. Is the law only accusatory ultimately leading me to Christ or is the law also a guide in the Christian life?

How Responsible Are We to Help the Poor?

Episode 165 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show:     1. What are the main things of worship and how do we keep those the main focus? 2. How do I stop sinning and completely devote myself to God? 3. In John 4, when Jesus says we will “worship in spirit and truth” mean we do not have to go to church anymore? 4. How much of a responsibility do we have to help the poor? 5. Do passages like Jeremiah 15:19 that promise God’s restoration of a people if they repent still apply to the church today?

How does the Bible's command to, “respect your governing authorities” fit with things like the American Revolution?

Episode 164 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. How should the gospel influence the way parents disciple their children? 2. If there is one God, one Jesus, and word, why are there so many religions, so many churches, and so many hypocrites? Why don’t we just have church in our home? 3. I have a question about Romans 13. How does being subject to governing authorities line up with the American Revolution? 4. In another episode, you said that there was a problem with Christians today viewing progress in holiness as an individualistic effort. Would you say that holiness is not individual?

Should Christians Obey the Old Testament Laws?

Episode 163 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. What does the Old Testament Law have to do with our lives and sanctification today? 2. Should we really love the church more than our own families? 3. How is it that Christians are supposed to be blessed and loved by God and at the same time suffer? 4. Since Israel is God’s chosen people, then how come the Jews turned against God and do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah?

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