Core Christianity

Can Those Who Fall Away From Christ Be Restored?

Episode 131 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. What are specific ways a pastor can watch over the ‘souls of the flock’? 2. What does ‘lead us not into temptation’ mean? 3. Do you believe that anyone who falls away from Christ can be restored? 4. How do we look forward to the coming of Christ without falling into ‘Doom and Gloom’ about the present? 5. How does ‘Grace Alone’ salvation square away with passages about discipleship?

What Will Heaven Be Like?

Episode 130 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. I have been a Christian for a while but I tend to worry about heaven. I’m worried that I won’t really like it. What am I missing? 2. Why was Paul a real Apostle? Shouldn’t the number of Apostles always to be 12?  3. What does biblical community look like?  4. What is the Kingdom of heaven? How would you explain this to a New Christian or seeker, and where does the church fit in?

How Can I Have a Closer Relationship With God?

Episode 129 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. How important is it for church to be exciting? I know that sometimes the most important things in life can be boring, but if the gospel is really about amazing grace how can we allow this to become boring? What do you think? 2. Why do you think studying theology is practical? 3. How can I have a close relationship with God? When I was part of a church that ministered to widows, I was amazed at how close some of them seemed to God. They just seemed to have a strong love and sense of his care for them. What do you think makes for a close relationship with God?  4. Does the Bible have anything to say about cremation?  5. I have heard it said that some people are so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good. Is this a real danger, in your opinion?

How Can I Gain Victory Over My Sin?

Episode 128 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. How should we encourage others to be more edifying in their speech? 2. What should we focus on when we take the Lord’s Supper? 3. Is God responsible for sin? 4. How do we deal with apparent contradictions in the Bible 5. How can I have victory over my sin?

Do We Have Guardian Angels?

Episode 127 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. Are there such things as guardian angels? 2. I really believe in striving to lead a holy life but the more I strive the more I realize that I can’t do what I want to do. I have heard people say that we need to rely on the Holy Spirit. How do we do this? And how does our striving for holiness fit with our relying on the Holy Spirit? 3. Romans 8 says that God knows everything that will happen. How is this different or similar to predestination and how does that fit with free will? 4. Should Christian worship be evangelistic? In the great commission it says that we are supposed to make disciples by baptizing and teaching and it seems like this would happen in a church context. If this is so, how can we make our worship service work better for outreach? 5.  What does Jesus mean in Luke 10 when Jesus says that he saw Satan fall like lighting from heaven. Is he talking about a time before Adam and Eve where in the garden? Can you explain the fall of Satan and what that means for us today? 6. How should I go about finding God’s perfect will for my life? I know that I could do a lot of things in life, but I tend to worry that I am going to settle for something less than God’s best. Thanks for any advice you have.

How Do We Worship in Spirit and Truth?

Episode 126 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. As a single mother I have a lot of stress in raising kids. At the church I attend there is a lot of pressure to send your kids to a Christian school or to home-school. I can’t afford to do either. Is it a sin to send your kids to public school? Will I fail as a mom if I can’t find another option?   2. In John 4 where Jesus tells the Samaritan woman that there will come a time where true worshipers will worship in Spirit and in truth does this mean that it doesn’t matter where we worship? Does this mean that we don’t have to go to an official church?   3. On another episode I have heard you say that the Bible is not about us and that we get too caught up with felt needs. I don’t think I’m understanding you right. Are you saying that felt needs don’t matter?   4. I have been taught about the Trinity. I don’t understand it. It’s not mentioned in the Bible. I believe in God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But why do people teach the Trinity?

What Is The Spirit of the Antichrist?

Episode 125 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. Is there a place for self-defense as a Christian, or must we always turn the other cheek? 2. Is obedience necessary for salvation? 3. In Ephesians 2:19, Paul says that we are no longer “strangers and aliens,” but in 1 Peter 2:11, Peter writes to Christians “as strangers and sojourners.” Do both apostles confuse the identity of the Christian?  4. If Jesus is the forgiver of sins, why does he say in John 20:23, “If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld”? 5. What is the spirit of the antichrist? 6. How do you know if a teaching is a false gospel?

Why Doesn't God Save Everyone?

Episode 124 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. In Matthew 11:30 Jesus says, “for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” What happens when the Christian life does not seem easy and light? 2. How much does someone need to know about doctrine to officially become a Christian? 3. If God is loving, why doesn’t he save everyone? 4. Is Isaiah 54:1–3 a prophecy about New Testament missions? 5. How can we learn not to doubt if we are saved or not? 6. How do we balance the events we see in the media with our expectation for Christ returning?

Was There a Church in the Old Testament?

Episode 123 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. Since Jesus was without sin and incapable of sin, how was his temptation real and genuine? 2. I would really like to take my faith more seriously and study the Bible, but I have no idea where to begin. What do you recommend? 3. How do you understand Romans 13 on obedience to the government? Does this mean we can never oppose a government even if we think it’s corrupt? 4. How do faith and works relate to salvation? 5. Can you speak to the claim that there was no church in the Old Testament?

Who Were the Nephilim?

Episode 122 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. What does it mean in Mark 12 when Jesus teaches that in heaven we won’t be married? 2. Why does the book of Ecclesiastes describe life as being meaningless? How does this have anything to do with Jesus? 3. How does Jesus’ suffering save people if lots of other people have suffered worse than Jesus? 4. Why does Jesus say that a “good” shepherd will leave 99 of his sheep to look for a lost one? 5. Who were the Nephilim? 6. Is receiving salvation really as simple as believing?

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