Doctrine & Devotion

Leaders Become Legacy

Jimmy and Joe sit down to talk about leadership, and what what it means to leave a legacy (in a legitimate way). Opening up to Hebrews 13:7 the guys think through why and how good leaders should be imitable, and how we should all strive to be examples to those we serve.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

The 1689 on God's Decree (3.4-6)

Joe and Jimmy are back at the cigar shop walking through the 1689 Confession and dial in on chapter 3 paragraphs 4 through 6. If the number of the elect is fixed and cannot increase or decrease should be discouraged or encouraged? How does this doctrine impact our evangelism? Plus, Jimmy gets impatient when a regular at the cigar shop stops by to chat. For all the links a d show notes head over to this podcast at — Inquiries:

Questions on the Decree of God

The guys received an email from a listener asking questions about the doctrine of God's Decree as it relates to the God's sovereignty over sin. How can God cause all things to work together for his purpose and yet not be the author of sin? How do we make sense of those passages where God seems to change his mind? For more on these subjects be sure to listen to our episodes: Does God Change His Mind?, The Decree of God, and Prayer. RECOMMENDATION Manual of Theology by J.L. Dagg For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

The 1689 on God's Decree (3.2-3)

The guys are back on the 1689 Confession and cover chapter 3 paragraphs 2 and 3. What is the sovereign choice of God to save individuals based upon? What's the difference between predestination and reprobation? What is the goal of his decree? And how should these doctrines impact our piety? Plus, a neighbor with a leaf blower drives Joe nuts while recording this episode.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

Service, Sacrafice, and Sabotage

The guys are back in the cigar shop, this time talking about service and sacrifice in the local church. What does it mean to “serve” one another in the church? How is sacrifice a part of true service? What are the ways in which we sabotage service in the local church? OUR SPONSOR FOR JULY This month we are proud to be sponsored by Ligonier Ministries who are offering our listeners 15 months of Tabletalk Magazine for only $23. That's 15 print issues delivered monthly at the regular annual rate of $23. Plus, you get digital access to current and past issues dating back to 2012. Spread the word and sign up today here. For all the links and show notes go to this podcast at — Inquiries:

The 1689 on God's Decree

Joe and Jimmy are talking about God's Decree from the 1689 3.1. What is the decree of God? If God has foreordained whatsoever comes to pass does that make him the author of sin? Does it make us all robots? And what good does this doctrine do for our faith? OUR SPONSOR FOR JULY This month we are proud to be sponsored by Ligonier Ministries who are offering our listeners 15 months of Tabletalk Magazine for only $23. That's 15 print issues delivered monthly at the regular annual rate of $23. Plus, you get digital access to current and past issues dating back to 2012. Spread the word and sign up today here. For all the show notes and relevant links for this episode head over to our website at this podcast at — Inquiries:

Debt-Free Virgins

The guys are hanging out at the cigar shop (that's what the background noise is talking about a frustrating article that got a lot of play this week. Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos got a lot of play on the interwebs and created some good conversations. Joe and Jimmy thought the article downplayed redemption, idolized marriage, and implied that women are generally dumb and helpless. What do Christian men find attractive in a woman? Are all women called to marriage? How do Christians, even those in the Reformed tradition, often misunderstand women in the church? How does the church neglect women in the church? Lets us know what you think about all this, and if the guys were too hard on the author. OUR SPONSOR FOR JULY This month we are proud to be sponsored by Ligonier Ministries who are offering our listeners 15 months of Tabletalk Magazine for only $23. That's 15 print issues delivered monthly at the regular annual rate of $23. Plus, you get digital access to current and past issues dating back to 2012. Spread the word and sign up today here. For links and all the show notes see this podcast at — Inquiries:

The 1689 on the Trinity (2.3)

Today the guys sit down to (re)record and episode on the 1689 Chapter 2, paragraph 3, regarding the doctrine of the Trinity. How important is this doctrine? Why does the 1689 use the word “subsistence,” instead of “person”? How do the guys feel about Trinitarian analogies? How is the doctrine of the Trinity the “the foundation of all our communion with God, and comfortable dependence on Him”? Plus, Jimmy has a really bad day, and Joe “bah, bah, bah's” the Scripture. RECOMMENDATIONS The Holy Trinity: In Scripture, History, Theology, and Worship by Robert Letham The Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything by Fred Sanders Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves What is the Trinity? by R.C. Sproul Communion with the Triune God by John Owen OUR SPONSOR FOR JULY This month we are proud to be sponsored by Ligonier Ministries who are offering our listeners 15 months of Tabletalk Magazine for only $23. That's 15 print issues delivered monthly at the regular annual rate of $23. Plus, you get digital access to current and past issues dating back to 2012. Spread the word and sign up today here. Get all the active links and show notes for this episode at this podcast at — Inquiries:

Why People Change Churches

Jimmy and Joe post up in the office to talk through an article on Ed Stetzer's blog, The Exchange, about why people leave one church for another. New Research: Churchgoers Stick Around for Theology, Not Music or Preachers by Bob (Santana) Smietana is very interesting. Be sure to check it out. What percentage of people in a local church are considering moving on? What are the primary issues the move people to leave a church and seek out another? The research included in this article states that most people who are considering leaving a church do so because “the church changed its doctrine.” Plus, this week the guys are reading The Preacher's Catechism by Lewis Allen. SPONSOR FOR JULY This month we are proud to be sponsored by Ligonier Ministries who are offering our listeners 15 months of Tabletalk Magazine for only $23. That's 15 print issues delivered monthly at the regular annual rate of $23. Plus, you get digital access to current and past issues dating back to 2012. Spread the word and sign up today here. Get all the links and show notes for this episode at this podcast at — Inquiries:

The 1689 on God (2.2)

Joe and Jimmy open up the 1689 Confession and focus on Chapter 2 paragraph 2. How is it true that God does not need us, or derive glory from us? What is the glory of God, and if we do not add to God's glory, how can we glorify him? Why can God do whatever he wants to and for us, and why do we push back against high views of God like this? Plus, Joe has a breakout, and Jimmy refuses to pick people up from the airport. Have you checked out our new site, It is the best online presentation of the Second London Confession and is designed to look and function beautifully on all mobile devices. Check it out and spread the word. SPONSOR FOR JULY This month we are proud to be sponsored by Ligonier Ministries who are offering our listeners 15 months of Tabletalk Magazine for only $23. That's 15 print issues delivered monthly at the regular annual rate of $23. Plus, you get digital access to current and past issues dating back to 2012. Spread the word and sign up today here. For all relevant links and more check out the show notes at this podcast at — Inquiries:

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