Doctrine & Devotion

Spiritual Disciplines

An email from Jon Moffitt of the Theocast podcast led to an episode on “spiritual disciplines.” What are spiritual disciplines? Do spiritual disciplines lead us away from the means of grace or into them? How does sanctification connect to spiritual disciplines. In this episode the guys reference and recommend Dr. Don Whitney's book, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

Does God Hear The Prayers of Unbelievers?

Joe and Jimmy sit down to have a casual, but biblical, chat about whether or not God answers the prayers of unbelievers. He certainly “hears” every prayer, but who has the ear of God? And what would it mean if God did answer the prayer of the unregenerate? And what about those passages that seem to say God doesn't always hear the prayers of his own people? Plus, Jimmy breaks the news to Joe: Redeemer is not a megachurch.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:


Joe and Jimmy talk about bibles. What translation do they prefer? What's their go-to Bible? Do they preach from a special bible? What about those super expensive Bibles? And the real problem with the KJV—unicorns. Plus, the guys talk about their favorite movie theater.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:


Warning: Today's episode contains material that is mature in nature, and may not be appropriate for all audiences. Joe and Jimmy throw up the mics to talk through the issue of pornography. What is pornography, and why do we need to talk about it? What are the effects of porn on individuals, families, and the world? Is there a way out of porn?Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

Silence and Solitude – Bonus Episode

Bonus! Joe and Jimmy take on the generally neglected spiritual discipline of silence and solitude. You'll get a more thorough treatment of this subject by reading Donald Whitney's book, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

When Preaching Goes Bad

Joe and Jimmy continue their conversation on “when worship goes bad” but focus specifically on preaching. When does preaching go bad? What makes for good preaching? What can we do when sitting under bad preaching?Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

When Worship Goes Bad

Jimmy and Joe talk about the danger of leveraging entertainment in worship. What is corporate worship? Is the regulative principle really a thing? And how is entertainment at odds with worship?Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

Frienship Revisited

Joe and Jimmy decided to talk more about friendship to get to a deeper and more practical level. What is friendship? What's the difference between worldly friendships and biblical friendships? What do friends do for each other? How do we seek out healthy friendships if we find ourselves alone? Plus, Jimmy finds out something about Joe he never knew. Follow Up: Joe says Logan was a major disappointment. Jimmy thought it was okay.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:


Joe and Jimmy finally talk about something called, “traditionalism.” Traditionalism is a theological movement in the Southern Baptist Convention that is openly anti-Calvinistic. The guys wanted to jump into this topic because of the increasing online volume of this particular group, and some of the dangerous statements made in Traditionalists' Statement on soteriology. Is Traditionalism really the traditional Southern Baptist theology? Do they only disagree with Calvinism, or do they take issue with other doctrines as well? You can check out the statement here and follow along as Joe and Jimmy talk about it.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

Best Friends Forever

Jimmy and Joe were sort of provoked into a discussion on friendship, and “best friends” in particular in light of an article by Kelley Needham called, “More Than BFFs” The guys work through the “warning signs” of a dangerous friendship and find themselves to be guilty. Be sure to head over to Desiring God to read the article. Plus, Jimmy's backyard and Goldschläger.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:

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