Simply Put


On this episode of Simply Put, Barry Cooper explains how Adam’s disobedience brought sin and death to all mankind. Read the transcript:


The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not mere masks God wears, but three eternally distinct persons. On this episode of Simply Put, Barry Cooper critiques one common but unbiblical explanation of the Trinity. Read the transcript:

Westminster Assembly

How would you encapsulate the Bible’s teaching with both precision and beauty? On this episode of Simply Put, Barry Cooper introduces us to a classic expression of Reformed theology: the Westminster Standards. Read the transcript:

Four Views of the Lord's Supper

When Christians receive the Lord’s Supper, Christ Himself is present—but how? On this episode of Simply Put, Barry Cooper explains the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Calvinist, and Zwinglian views of the Lord’s Supper. Read the transcript:

Athanasian Creed

Have you met one of the early church’s most significant theologians? On this episode of Simply Put, Barry Cooper introduces us to Athanasius and the creed that bears his name. Read the transcript:

Five Solas

Can you summarize your faith in a few brief words? On this episode of Simply Put, Barry Cooper discusses the five solas of the Protestant Reformation and explains their relevance today. Read the transcript:

Canon of Scripture

How did the early church recognize the books of the New Testament as Scripture? On this episode of Simply Put, Barry Cooper examines four signs of a book’s divine authority. Read the transcript:

General Revelation

Just as a painting reveals the qualities of its painter, God’s world speaks powerfully of Him. On this episode of Simply Put, Barry Cooper considers God’s general revelation in nature. Read the transcript:

Aseity of God

God depends on nothing and no one for His existence. On this episode of Simply Put, Barry Cooper considers the aseity of God. Read the transcript:


He’s called the tempter, the accuser, the evil one, and the god of this age. On this episode of Simply Put, Barry Cooper looks at the biblical—and very real—figure of Satan. Read the transcript:

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