
I Come to the Garden Alone? (S|R)

Jon and Justin give some of their perspective on personal time of Bible reading and prayer. What are healthier ways to approach these things? How …

Prayer Requires Righteousness

This is the second of at least two episodes from James 5. In James 5:16, the apostle writes that the prayer of a righteous person …

Prayer Requires Righteousness (S|R)

Jon and Justin talk about positional and personal righteousness. And, the guys go in on pietism and revivalism, in particular, as to how these things …

Prayer for Healing

This is the first of at least two episodes from James 5. In James 5:14, the apostle writes that if a person is sick he …

Prayer for Healing (S|R)

Jon and Justin talk in more depth about interpreting the Bible. They consider tools that help us interpret the Bible, as well as how we …

The Self-Validation Project (S|R)

Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin continue to consider how a lot of teaching today communicates that the Christian life is a project of validating ourselves …

The Self-Validation Project

In the church, we can struggle to rightly understand and apply the grace of God in Christ. We know we need grace on the front …

Is the Law Relevant Today?

In this third of three episodes on God’s law, Jon and Justin talk about the threefold division of the law. This conversation is important for …

Is the Law Relevant Today? (S|R)

Jon and Justin consider the fourth commandment in depth regarding the Sabbath day. There is some division of opinion–even amongst Reformed types–as to what observance …

Intro to Three Uses of the Law

In this second of three episodes on God’s law, Jon and Justin talk about the three uses of the law. In considering the three uses …

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