
Wednesday, March 8, 2023

This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.Part I (00:13 – 14:16)If You Want to Reach the Next Generation, Target the Young: Why the Schools Are the Hot Spot of ControversyPart II (14:16 – 23:45)In Defense of the Detransitioner: Dissenters of the Transgender Revolution Confront the Worldview of Progressive SecularismA transgender patient’s lawsuit against Kaiser is a front for the conservative war on LGBTQ rights by LA Times (Michael Hiltzik)Part III (23:45 – 28:00) The New Age Candidate with a Department of Peace?: Marianne Williamson to Run in 2024 Democratic Presidential RaceMarianne Williamson Says She Will Run for President Again by New York Times (Maggie Astor)Sign up to receive The Briefing in your inbox every weekday morning.Follow Dr. Mohler:X | Instagram | Facebook | YouTubeFor more information on The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, go to sbts.edu.For more information on Boyce College, just go to BoyceCollege.com.To write Dr. Mohler or submit a question for The Mailbox, go here.

No Briefing Tuesday, March 7, 2023

This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.Part I (00:01 – 00:02) Dr. Mohler is out sick and will return as soon as possible. Sign up to receive The Briefing in your inbox every weekday morning.Follow Dr. Mohler:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | YouTubeFor more information on The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, go to sbts.edu.For more information on Boyce College, just go to BoyceCollege.com.To write Dr. Mohler or submit a question for The Mailbox, go here.

No Briefing Tuesday, March 7, 2023

This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.Part I (00:01 – 00:02)Dr. Mohler is out sick and will return as soon as possible.Sign up to receive The Briefing in your inbox every weekday morning.Follow Dr. Mohler:X | Instagram | Facebook | YouTubeFor more information on The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, go to sbts.edu.For more information on Boyce College, just go to BoyceCollege.com.To write Dr. Mohler or submit a question for The Mailbox, go here.

Christian News

Today you find Joe and Jimmy catching up on something Jimmy missed in Christian news this week, and then they answer an email about good sources for Christian news. Who do they like? Who do they trust? Plus, another giveaway!PBHB GIVEAWAYWe are excited to partner with Particular Baptist Heritage Books and offer a giveaway to our listeners. PBHB has republished Principles and Practices of the Regular Baptists (1883), and we are giving away two of these bad boys!To enter the giveaway hop on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok and share how Doctrine and Devotion is an encouragement to you, and be sure to include the hashtag #pbhbgiveaway.We will pick 2 winners on Friday evening, March 10th at 10pm CST and announce the winners on Monday the 13th.Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/doctrine-and-devotion/exclusive-contentAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

Monday, March 6, 2023

This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.Part I (00:13 – 15:16) Moral Clarity in a Morally Confused Age: Alex Murdaugh Sentenced to Life in PrisonPart II (15:16 – 22:54) Join Us On the Way of the Dodo: Episcopalian Priest Encourages Church of England to Embrace Full LGBTQ InclusionThe Church of England can learn from Episcopalians on same-sex marriage by The Financial Times (Steven Paulikas)Part III (22:54 – 28:28) A Parable of the Transience of Human Existence: Ancient Antioch Destroyed by Turkey’s EarthquakeSign up to receive The Briefing in your inbox every weekday morning.Follow Dr. Mohler:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | YouTubeFor more information on The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, go to sbts.edu.For more information on Boyce College, just go to BoyceCollege.com.To write Dr. Mohler or submit a question for The Mailbox, go here.

Monday, March 6, 2023

This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.Part I (00:13 – 15:16)Moral Clarity in a Morally Confused Age: Alex Murdaugh Sentenced to Life in PrisonPart II (15:16 – 22:54)Join Us On the Way of the Dodo: Episcopalian Priest Encourages Church of England to Embrace Full LGBTQ InclusionThe Church of England can learn from Episcopalians on same-sex marriage by The Financial Times (Steven Paulikas)Part III (22:54 – 28:28)A Parable of the Transience of Human Existence: Ancient Antioch Destroyed by Turkey’s EarthquakeSign up to receive The Briefing in your inbox every weekday morning.Follow Dr. Mohler:X | Instagram | Facebook | YouTubeFor more information on The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, go to sbts.edu.For more information on Boyce College, just go to BoyceCollege.com.To write Dr. Mohler or submit a question for The Mailbox, go here.

Friday, March 3, 2023

This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.Part I (00:13 – 08:38) A Once-Religious Society Falls Deeper Into Secularism: Spain Expands Abortion Rights and Trans Rights for TeenagersSpain approves menstrual leave, teen abortion and trans laws by LA Times (Jennifer O’Mahony and Ciarán Giles)Part II (08:38 – 17:28) Some Moral Sanity Preserved in California: Sirhan Sirhan Denied Parole Yet AgainBoard Denies Parole for Sirhan Sirhan, the Assassin of Robert F. Kennedy by New York Times (Shawn Hubler)Linda Kasabian, 73, Dies; Lookout Testified Against Charles Manson by New York Times (Neil Genzlinger)Part III (17:28 – 21:37) What is the Definition of Virtue? Is Being Virtuous Contingent on Accepting Christ as Lord? — Dr. Mohler Responds to a Letters from Listeners of The BriefingPart IV (21:37 – 25:04) Why Did Humans Start to Eat Meat After the Flood? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The BriefingPart V (25:04 – 26:53) How Could King Solomon Be Called Wise While Having 700 Wives and 300 Concubines? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The BriefingPart VI (26:53 – 30:18) Should We Use Instruments in Our Worship, Or Should We Sing Acapella? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The BriefingSign up to receive The Briefing in your inbox every weekday morning.Follow Dr. Mohler:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | YouTubeFor more information on The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, go to sbts.edu.For more information on Boyce College, just go to BoyceCollege.com.To write Dr. Mohler or submit a question for The Mailbox, go here.

Friday, March 3, 2023

This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.Part I (00:13 – 08:38)A Once-Religious Society Falls Deeper Into Secularism: Spain Expands Abortion Rights and Trans Rights for TeenagersSpain approves menstrual leave, teen abortion and trans laws by LA Times (Jennifer O’Mahony and Ciarán Giles)Part II (08:38 – 17:28)Some Moral Sanity Preserved in California: Sirhan Sirhan Denied Parole Yet AgainBoard Denies Parole for Sirhan Sirhan, the Assassin of Robert F. Kennedy by New York Times (Shawn Hubler)Linda Kasabian, 73, Dies; Lookout Testified Against Charles Manson by New York Times (Neil Genzlinger)Part III (17:28 – 21:37)What is the Definition of Virtue? Is Being Virtuous Contingent on Accepting Christ as Lord? — Dr. Mohler Responds to a Letters from Listeners of The BriefingPart IV (21:37 – 25:04)Why Did Humans Start to Eat Meat After the Flood? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The BriefingPart V (25:04 – 26:53)How Could King Solomon Be Called Wise While Having 700 Wives and 300 Concubines? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The BriefingPart VI (26:53 – 30:18)Should We Use Instruments in Our Worship, Or Should We Sing Acapella? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The BriefingSign up to receive The Briefing in your inbox every weekday morning.Follow Dr. Mohler:X | Instagram | Facebook | YouTubeFor more information on The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, go to sbts.edu.For more information on Boyce College, just go to BoyceCollege.com.To write Dr. Mohler or submit a question for The Mailbox, go here.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.Part I (00:13 – 13:55) New College Set on a New Course: The New York Times Calls It a Higher Education Apocalypse — Is It?Florida Could Start Looking a Lot Like Hungary by New York Times (Michelle Goldberg)Ron DeSantis, Black History and CRT by Wall Street Journal (The Editorial Board)Part II (13:55 – 20:58) A Sign of the Confusion of Our Times: LA Prosecutor Suspended For ‘Misgendering’ and ‘Deadnaming’ DefendantProsecutor in controversial Hannah Tubbs case suspended for ‘misgendering’ defendant by LA Times (James Queally)Part III (20:58 – 29:44) Now Hiring, Rat Czar: New York City Has a Rat Problem — And a Bigger Ethical Dilemma of How to Terminate Them ‘Humanely’Is There an Ethical Way to Kill Rats? Should We Even Ask? by New York Times (Oliver Whang)Sign up to receive The Briefing in your inbox every weekday morning.Follow Dr. Mohler:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | YouTubeFor more information on The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, go to sbts.edu.For more information on Boyce College, just go to BoyceCollege.com.To write Dr. Mohler or submit a question for The Mailbox, go here.

Realities of Revival II: The Means of Revival

After introducing our new series last week, John and Teddy are diving deeper into the topic of revival. This week they focus on a biblical understanding of revival. Attached to a historical understanding of revival, we also must seek to study the means and results of revival.
One helpful definition comes to us from Richard Owen Roberts. He defines revival as, “…an unusual manifestation of the power of the grace of God in convincing and converting careless sinners, and in quickening and increasing the faith and piety of believers.”
In the most succinct summary of this episode, we can say that revival is God drawing near, through the ordinary means of grace, in an unusual way. The means are not unusual. But the nearness of God is. And it is His nearness that both makes revival possible and makes us desire it.
A recent article by Jeremy Walker on revival: https://banneroftruth.org/uk/resources/articles/2023/holy-fomo/
Helpful books we found for this series:
The Fulfilling of the Scripture by Robert Flemming Physical Copy: https://www.amazon.com/fulfilling-scripture-discovery-accomplishment-corrected/dp/1171131968
Revival by Richard Owen Roberts https://www.amazon.com/dp/0842355758?tag=heartcrymissi-20&camp=0&creative=0&linkCode=as4&creativeASIN=0842355758&adid=1MA5N1HT46X3WABGS4EM
Revival: A People Saturated with God by Brian Edwards https://www.amazon.com/Revival-people-saturated-Brian-Edwards/dp/1846256437
Revival of Religion https://www.amazon.com/Revival-Religion-Addresses-Evangelical-Delivered/dp/0851514359
Lectures on Revival by William Sprague
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