Does the Bible Point Us to a Particular Political Party?

Episode 140 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions.

Show Notes

Key questions answered in today’s show:

1. With so much concern about politics in the church today. It seems easy for our Bible reading to be caught up with concerns in one party or another, potentially blinding us to what god sees as most important. How can we avoid this?


2. Is Christ’s body physical? is it located in one place?


3. My cousin says that God is a female. How would I go about challenging those views? What evidence is there in the Bible?


4. My questions are about God’s sovereignty and free will. In John 6:44, Jesus says, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.” and in Rev. 22:17, it says “And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price.” One verse makes it seem like God draws us and the other sounds like anyone can freely come. How do we make sense of this?


5. Can you explain how Christians should view culture?


6. How can we live in the world and not be of the world?


7. What does Paul mean by, “being raised with spiritual bodies” in 1 Corinthians 15?

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