Episode 224 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions.
Key questions answered in today’s show:
1. Do you believe God’s will is usually something we want to do or something we are usually afraid of doing, like Abraham, Jonah, and the disciples?
2. When the Bible speaks about uniting all things in heaven and earth and every knee bowing to confess that Jesus is Lord, does this mean that in the end everyone will be saved?
3. My wife and I are having a difficult time with our faith right now. I want to be able to tell her that God is faithful, but I don’t know what to say. Do you have any advice in this area?
4. I love the way you describe the distinction between law and gospel. Is there another kind of instruction we find in the wisdom books? Is wisdom another category? If so, how would you describe this in relation to law and gospel?