If Christians are Declared Righteous, Why Must We Still Face Judgement?

Episode 352 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions.

Show Notes


Key questions answered in today’s show:

1. If you are saved why does the person that is saved have to go through a judgment? I thought being saved by the Lord’s grace and blood you would be saved and live with him.

2. In the New Jerusalem, as described in Revelation, walls and gates are surrounding the city.  As all evil will have been eradicated by that time, and God’s perfect creation reigns then, from what do the walls and gates protect the New Jerusalem? Or why are the gates and walls there or needed?

3. Does God use our trials to discipline us?

4. Can a true Christian be led astray from the faith?

5. How do I know if I truly believe in Jesus?

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