Episode 286 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions.
Key questions answered in today’s show:
1. I grew up in a very dysfunctional church. They encouraged “dancing like David danced”, prophesying, speaking in tongues, being “slain in the Spirit”, and that the purpose of going to church was to serve. I’ve learned the truth now, but it’s sad that I was a member of that church for 20 years. It’s been a challenge to un-learn those things. I’d really like to help my family and friends that still go to a church like that to learn the truth. Does God consider it sin to do those things in church? How do I help my family and friends that are still there really understand what God wants church to be like?
2. In whom or what are Israel and gentiles grafted into (Rom.11)? And what is its significance for the Christian life?
3. There are Christians who seem really opposed to creeds and confessions of the church, for example the Heidelberg and Westminster and Belgic. About a year ago I studied the Heidelberg Catechism and it was a life changing experience for me. And when sharing stuff from the Heidelberg catechism with some people that I know there seems to be hostility. There is an attitude of, “Ah Bible only, Scripture alone” And there seems to be a huge imbalance for us because Luther himself was all for catechism and confessional Christianity. Can you comment on the use of Creeds and confessions together with the church? Thank you so much, and honestly, I love your show. You guys have been such a blessing to me.