Weekend A La Carte (October 19)

Weekend A La Carte (October 19)

I’m grateful to Redeemer University for sponsoring the blog this week. Redeemer is the largest Reformed University in Canada, with nearly 1100 students, six undergraduate degree options and 35 majors and streams. Learn more at Redeemer.ca.

Today’s Kindle deals include a couple I don’t think I’ve ever seen on sale before: Fesko’s Reforming Apologetics and Sproul’s Making a Difference.

(Yesterday on the blog: New Christian Books for Children and Teens)

Scott Hurst shows how Scripture teaches us to embrace our sadness and seek hope in God rather than avoiding our feelings.

“As someone deeply involved in orphan care ministry in Africa, I’ve observed numerous misconceptions held by well-meaning individuals and organizations from the West. While the desire to help is commendable, these misunderstandings can sometimes lead to approaches that are ineffective or even harmful in the African context.” Phil Hunt examines a few of them.

The Biblical Counseling Coalition has been running a mini-series on miscarriage and in this article offers help to husbands. (See also helping wives and helping siblings.)

There are such treasures to be gained by understanding our union of Christ. Jeremy Walker unearths just a few of them in this brief article at Ligonier Ministries.

A recent situation in the UK has brought about questions related to freedom of conscience. “What of when individual liberty and conscience collide with that of another? Whose conscience should be given priority?”

As our loved ones are pulled from our grasp, as they depart this world and fade from our sight, we have the greatest of all hope and the greatest of all assurance. We have the sure and steady word of the God who made us, the God who saved us, the God who raised his Son, the God who has promised that he has given us the ultimate victory through Jesus Christ.

Spiritual credibility springs from a holy and pure life.

—Jerry Wragg

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