Why does God allow his people to suffer? Can it be avoided? Are we ready to suffer well? Les sits down with Todd Pruitt to discuss the difficult topic of suffering.
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Tuesday, August 2, 2022
This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.Part I (00:13 – 14:27)The Moral Evasions of Monkeypox: A Parable of Our TimesThe parable of monkeypox by WORLD Opinions (R. Albert Mohler, Jr.)How We Talk About Monkeypox Matters. Experts Offer Ways to Reduce Stigma by NPR (Juliana Kim)Debate Over Monkeypox Messaging Divides N.Y.C. Health Department by New York Times (Joseph Goldstein)Part II (14:27 – 18:00)The Undeniable Stigma of Sin: Watch the Morality in the VocabularyMonkeypox Catches New York City Off Guard (Again) by New York Times (Ginia Bellafante)Addressing Myths About Monkeypox: A Look at Symptoms, Treatment and Other Common Questions by USA Today (Karen Weintraub)Part III (18:00 – 23:55)‘Medical Education Goes Woke’: Critical Theory, Intersectionality, and the Age of Ideological MedicineMedical Education Goes Woke by Wall Street Journal (The Editorial Board)Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Competencies Across the Learning Continuum by AAMCPart IV (23:55 – 26:05)Is “Monkeypox” Discriminatory? Will Monkeys Now Suffer Stigma? Major Media Tackle the Biggest Questions of the Current Health CrisisCritics Say ‘Monkeypox’ is a Racist Name. But It’s Not Going Away Anytime Soon by NPR (Bill Chappell)Sign up to receive The Briefing in your inbox every weekday morning.Follow Dr. Mohler:X | Instagram | Facebook | YouTubeFor more information on The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, go to sbts.edu.For more information on Boyce College, just go to BoyceCollege.com.To write Dr. Mohler or submit a question for The Mailbox, go here.
Monday, October 16, 2023
This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.Part I (00:13 – 13:08) The Moral Considerations of Israel’s War: Balancing the Absolute Necessity of Destroying Hamas with Minimizing the Loss of Innocent LifeThe Secrets Hamas Knew About Israel’s Military by New York Times (Patrick Kingsley and Ronen Bergman)What Does Destroying Gaza Solve? by New York Times (Nicholas Kristof)Seeking a Moral Compass in Gaza’s War by New York Times (Nicholas Kristof)Part II (13:08 – 16:57) The Concept of International Law: By Definition, Terrorists Don’t Care About the RulesIsrael, Gaza and the Laws of War by New York Times (Amanda Taub)Part III (16:57 – 21:55) The Antisemitism of the Left: Leftist Progressives Display Their True AllegiancesThe Massacre in Israel and the Need for a Decent Left by New York Times (Michelle Goldberg)I Was Very Alone Today’: Young Jewish Americans Grieve Over Israel by New York Times (Marc Tracy and Campbell Robertson)Part IV (21:55 – 25:00) Some Enemies Cannot Be Ignored: The Survival of Civilization Depends on the Response to Those Who Seek to Destroy ItSign up to receive The Briefing in your inbox every weekday morning.Follow Dr. Mohler:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | YouTubeFor more information on The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, go to sbts.edu.For more information on Boyce College, just go to BoyceCollege.com.To write Dr. Mohler or submit a question for The Mailbox, go here.
Fall 2023 Supporter Update
Media Gratiae is an independent, donor-funded publisher. We both create and distribute material focusing on the experiential Christian life. Throughout 2023, we have been blessed to produce materials such as Behold Your God: Seeking Him Early, and distribute the film Welsh Awakening.
In addition to creating study resources for churches, families, and small groups, we also produce several podcasts such as The Whole Counsel, From the Heart of Spurgeon, A Word in Season, and Hymn Stories.
Every year we publish a ministry report to let those who support us know how their money was used. We are very grateful to those who helped us produce this content. But we also produce the ministry report so everyone who follows us can know how to pray for us in the upcoming year. We do not ask for donations, funds, or support. But we will ask you to pray for us. Pray that we would live lives pleasing to our King. Pray that we will produce material that honors Him. Pray that we would have hearts in line with His will.
You can read our ministry report here: https://report.mediagratiae.org