A La Carte (March 3)
Grace and peace to you, my friends.
Westminster Books has lots of good material on sale: Christianity Explored, Hope Explored, and so on.
(Yesterday on the blog: When God Unfolds His Will in Pieces)
Our Free Salvation Sets Us Free to Love
“Mormons and JWs are typically kind, pleasant, and respectful, but their evangelism is driven by their need to fulfill specific requirements. They may love those they’re talking with, but their goal in evangelizing is to save themselves.” That’s a key point.
Why is Evangelism Hard?
Stephen McAlpine raises some good points here. “Every so often on good evangelical websites that I read I come across an article that asks the question (before answering it in three points), as to why we find evangelism so hard.” But there’s often a problem with such articles.
No More Trash Talking (Video)
I appreciate this word from Todd Friel.
The Overlooked Virtue of Gentleness
“This is a virtue which combines humility and approachability, mildness and kindness in their proper sphere and expression. It is not quick to damn or to strike, not unrighteously forbidding or foreboding, but attractive and welcoming. Similar notions include the ideas of patience and mercy.”
How Do I Handle My Disordered Desires?
John Piper provides some examples of disordered desires and instruction on how to respond to them.
What does it mean to fear the Lord?
Dr. Michael Allen provides a brief answer here.
Flashback: The Character of the Christian: Generous
It is the Christian’s duty and delight to hold loosely to wealth and to give generously to the Lord’s work. Any problem with money is not the fault of the money itself but with the sneaky, sinful human heart.
As we reflect on the character of God, the work of Christ, and the promises of the gospel, God will increase our desire to know him more and thus pursue him more through prayer. —John Onwuchekwa