In this episode Summer & Joy discuss what flattery is, how to recognize it, and why it ought not to be an immediate cringe feeling when we hear it. Join us!
The post Flattery: Words That Should Taste Like Death appeared first on Sheologians.
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When a Lack of Shame is Shameful
Shame entered the world as a result of the fall, and there are times when it is right to feel ashamed, and times where it is wrong to feel ashamed. Don’t take your cues on this from the world.
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Summer Recommends
Join us for our annual summer recommends episode where we discuss what we are reading and the things we think everyone should use or practice over the coming months.
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The Putney Pusher
In this true crime story time Joy tells the story of the Putney bridge pusher—a mysterious runner who pushed a woman in front of a bus for no apparent reason. Although captured on several cameras, his identity seemed to be hidden from the public. Why?
The post The Putney Pusher appeared first on Sheologians.