In this episode we discuss rollerskating mishaps, what to do when your parenting beliefs clash with your friends, the supremacy of the church over social media, and how not to overthink every little thing.
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The Deceitfulness of Pet Sins with Zach Conover (Part 2)
In part two of our conversation with Zach Conover we discuss the practical implications of fighting sin. What is required of us? What will it look like on a day-to-day basis? How do we recognize the fruit of deceit around us and refuse to participate in it? Join us!
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The Third Way to Hell
This week we talk about the pernicious “third way”. The third way is the soothing middle ground that many so-called evangelicals often want to offer as an alternative. But what is it really? It’s a trapdoor to deconstruction. Join us as we talk about how to spot the third way and reject it.
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Valuing Who You Are
Value, worth, self-esteem, self-image, “finding your identity in blah blah blah”….it’s an old record that we have been playing in evangelicalism for several years now and the vinyl is worn out. In this episode we talk about common missteps in the identity conversation.
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