Why should we frame our doctrine of Scripture through the biblical imagery of light? Is God the source of Scripture and why should all Scripture be called God’s word? In light of Karl Barth, can we still say that that Scripture itself is the word of God? How can the doctrine of providence help our… Download Audio
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In what sense is God mystery? How is his transcendence and immanence displayed when he hides? Are there negative consequences to reading Christology back into the doctrine of God? How does God’s power, simplicity, and aseity relate to his incomprehensibility? Why is maintaining the distinction between the Creator and creature of such importance, particularly in framing… Download Audio
Podcast Throwback: What is Christian Platonism? Matthew Barrett and Hans Boersma
What should we think of Plato? Do his ideas have any profit for Christianity? Can the Platonic philosophical heritage serve Christianity as a handmaiden to biblical interpretation and theological construction? These questions concerning the relationship between philosophy and theology have been discussed and debated by Christians from the very beginning. At the heart of the… Download Audio
What hath Greek Philosophy to do with Christianity?
It was the church father Tertullian who famously quipped, “What hath Athens to do with Jerusalem?” Many Christians today have joined Tertullian in pondering this question, and have concluded that the answer must be “nothing.” Greek Philosophy, it is assumed, offers nothing whatever to Christianity, and the Christian faith is obscured and tarnished by the… Download Audio