In this episode we answer the Taylor Swift question, which brings us down winding roads that hopefully lead towards wisdom & freedom in content choices for ourselves and our children. Join us!
The post The Taylor Swift Question appeared first on Sheologians.
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The Great Glitter Mystery
Do you know what glitter is? Maybe you do. Maybe you’re an expert on glitter. Will you be an expert at the end of this episode? No, but there is a lot to know about glitter that you may find interesting or unexpected. Very true to form, Summer and Joy discuss a topic that you thought required little discussion. Join us and laugh along the way.
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Missing 411
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What About Sexual Assault?
In this episode the ladies talk about what feminism, #MeToo, and even the church has done in the conversation and work around dealing with sexual assault. Of course, the most important consideration in this discussion is what does God’s law have to say about these situations? Join us!
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