Join us this week as we talk about modesty – what it is, what it isn’t, and why you should very deeply and intentionally CARE.
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I’m Unwell Part 1: Food
When it comes to pursuing your health, how far is too far? Is a godly woman “crunchy” or is she loading up on processed sugars without fear? Welcome to our wellness series, where we are going to discuss how a Christian worldview filters all of the constant “wellness” messaging that is being pumped into our veins on a daily basis.
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Pratty Pragmatism, Round 2
After a brief discussion about why restaurants in the South are terrible and which Great White Shark went crazy a few months back, we discuss the sin of pragmatism.
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Don’t Be Dumb
Today we talk about the very human (read: sinful) tendency to be really dumb. The best way to be dumb is to refuse to call things what they are, and to overcomplicate what is just plain old sin. Join us to talk about how not to be dumb about your sin.
The post Don’t Be Dumb appeared first on Sheologians.