A Divided Nation Then Thoughts on Ecumenical Councils

Mr. Matthew Bellisario is still planning, as far as I know, to come on the Dividing Line this Thursday. Hopefully he has already benefited from the detailed resource list (posted here). There are, however, some additional resources that may be helpful. These are video clips taken from some (two, I believe) of Dr. White’s previous public, moderated debates on the
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John 10, Thomas, Hagiography
Today we dove into a section of John 10 (with a few interruptions for commentary on the weather outside my unit) and then looked at some elements of Aquinas’ commentary on the same text. Then we read an article that contained hagiography concerning Thomas and considered the kind of thinking that lies behind such perspectives.
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Poor Jared…Yes, Back to the Response
Just a few brief comments on Catholicism at the start, then back to Hebrews and Jared’s article. We are, at least, getting into the nitty gritty of what the real issues are, so, I hope that is helpful. Tomorrow is a travel day for me, so I won’t be able to do another program until I am headed home next week, and those will be later in the day since I have 6+ hours to drive each day.
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Crash and Burn Textual Critical Program!
Well, I did say it would be an experiment, and, well, it was a failed experiment. I thought it would be cool to let folks get in touch via Zoom and ask about a textual variant they particular are interested in. I get folks contacting me privately about things like that all the time. So, we fired stuff up, opened the Zoom room up and…got clobbered with teens playing games. Couldn’t get a single person lined up with a serious question. So, I threw it open to the Twitterverse and we only got one or two requests. So, I filled with information about how we examine variants, looking mainly at Mark 1:1, 1:2, and John 5:3-4. So, hopefully that will be helpful for a few folks, but other than that, I need to go wash the soot off my clothes from the ashes of the program and get ready to press on!
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