In this episode of the Credo Podcast, Dr. Ronni Kurtz and Dr. Sam Parkison interview Dr. Matthew Barrett about the Systematic Theology book he is currently working on. While they… Download Audio
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Should We Interpret the Bible Theologically?
Is it possible to approach the text of Scripture neutral, without a theological framework? What dangers exist in neglecting theology in the exegetical process? Should creeds and confessions throughout the history of Christianity play any role in biblical interpretation? What are appropriate ways to utilize dogmatic categories in exegesis? Why are the disciplines of theology… Download Audio
How can liturgy create a healthy church? Jonathan Gibson and Matthew Barrett
Liturgy is to the church like oxygen is to the lungs. Unfortunately, churches today can be suspicious towards liturgy, as if it is devoid of the heart. But for most of history the church has turned to liturgy as a vital part of worship. As the Reformers considered how to reform the church, for example, they… Download Audio
Trinity Drift: Simply Trinity (Part 1)
In this episode of the Credo Podcast, Matthew Barrett fields questions from Ronni Kurtz about his new book, Simply Trinity: The Unmanipulated Father, Son and Spirit (Baker). They discuss how, despite appearance, the glut of twentieth century literature about the Trinity does not constitute a Trinity resurgence, but rather a Trinity drift. They observe the ways… Download Audio