Matthew Barrett

What has Athens to do with Jerusalem? Paul Tyson and Matthew Barrett

From Plato to Aristotle, Greek philosophy posits a transcendent view of reality often not appreciated by contemporary Christians living after modernism. But transcendence in Greek thought was not lost on the biblical authors. Narratives such as John 1 and Acts 17 reveal that the biblical authors understood and critically appropriated classical Greek philosophy into their… Download Audio

What is the Doctrine of Participation? Andrew Davison and Matthew Barrett

“For from him and through him and to him are all things…” (Rom. 11:36) What does it mean to participate in God? In what ways do we share in Christ? Protestants today are oftentimes unfamiliar with or even suspicious towards the doctrine of participating in God. As some claim, does participation confuse the creation and… Download Audio

Credo Alliance: Why We Believe in the Beatific Vision

Theological convictions abound in matters of eschatology. But rather than focusing on secondary and often popular matters such as the rapture or the millennium, this episode of the Credo Alliance introduces listeners to the pinnacle of the Christian life: the blessed hope of the beatific vision. The doctrine of the beatific vision is often brushed… Download Audio

Credo Alliance: Why We Believe in Eternal Generation

“Begotten, not made; of the same essence as the Father.” With these words, the Nicene Creed sets the standard of Christian orthodoxy for pastors and church members. As Christians confess the creed today, they link arms with brothers and sisters throughout the ages in affirming their belief in the eternal generation of the Son. In… Download Audio

Why did Calvin think the Fathers were on his side? Matthew Barrett and Ronni Kurtz

In the final episode of this Credo mini-series, Ronni Kurtz asks Matthew Barrett about his investigation of John Calvin in his new book,  The Reformation as Renewal. They discuss Calvin’s juxtaposition of dead icons and living icons and his doctrine of participation. They also wrestle with misnomers over Calvin’s reformed understanding of the Lord’s Supper… Download Audio

What is Reformed Catholicity? Matthew Barrett and Ronni Kurtz

Despite its polemic again the Roman church, the theological structures which emerged in the Swiss Reformation stood firmly on the traditional teaching of he church. This was achieved through a deliberate appropriation of the early church and a good deal of the medieval church. The Swiss reformers were grounded on historical continuity.” These words by… Download Audio

What was the Reformation debate over the Lord’s Supper really about? Matthew Barrett and Samuel Bierig

In episode 4 of this mini-series, Samuel Bierig asks Matthew Barrett, author of newly released book  The Reformation as Renewal (Zondervan Academic), about the intense divisions over the Lord’s Supper during the Reformation and whether there is more than meets the eye. As Barrett moves below the surface he shows that at the root of the… Download Audio

Will the real Luther please stand up? Matthew Barrett and Samuel Bierig

In episode 3 of this mini-series, Samuel Bierig asks Matthew Barrett, author of the new book  The Reformation as Renewal, to introduce us to another side of Martin Luther, that side of Luther often forgotten. Though the oppositional narrative claims Luther radically severed himself from tradition, Barrett shows there’s more to Luther than meets the… Download Audio

Should we blame the Reformation for secularism? Matthew Barrett and Samuel G. Parkison

The Reformation has often been lamented, blamed for secularism, as if the Reformers cut the cord of participation in God by perpetuating the voluntarism and nominalism of their age. But in episode 2 of this mini-series, Sam Parkison asks Matthew Barrett, author of The Reformation as Renewal, to address the philosophical context of the Reformation.… Download Audio

Why were the Reformers born out of Scholastic soil? Matthew Barrett and Samuel G. Parkison

The Reformation has often been lamented, blamed for everything from secularism to schism. Meanwhile, others celebrate the Reformation either as a modern liberation or a biblicist break from tradition. But in this new mini-series of interviews, Samuel Parkison asks Matthew Barrett what the Reformers themselves thought since he is the author of the soon-to-release book, The… Download Audio

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