Ref Cast

Grogu Watches the Dividing Line

A new MP3 sermon from Alpha and Omega Ministries is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:

Title: Grogu Watches the Dividing Line
Subtitle: The Dividing Line 2021
Speaker: Dr. James White
Broadcaster: Alpha and Omega Ministries
Event: Podcast
Date: 1/5/2021
Length: 65 min.

Charismatics Justifying Blasphemy

Critique of Remnant Radio’s Justification of Blasphemy

WWUTT 1352 Heap Burning Coals on His Head (Romans 12:20)

Reading Romans 12:20 where we are told to show kindness to our enemies, giving them charity and the gospel, and by so doing we heap burning coals on their heads. Visit for all our videos!

WWUTT 1352 Heap Burning Coals on His Head (Romans 12:20)

Reading Romans 12:20 where we are told to show kindness to our enemies, giving them charity and the gospel, and by so doing we heap burning coals on their heads. Visit for all our videos!


No one who is truly united to Christ can ever be snatched from the hand of God. Today, Barry Cooper examines an encouraging truth: when God gives someone the gift of saving faith, He will preserve that faith to the end. Read the transcript:

11. Rejecting Roman Catholicism with Paul Barth

Are Roman Catholics Christians? Should we work together with them for Jesus? Where have they gone wrong? Les sits down with Paul Barth to discuss the errors of Rome and how we should think about them.Leave a voicemail: ‪(772) 324-9328‬

The Bat Guano Chronicles

Check out Douglas Wilson’s Biblical Finance course on the Canon app: 

How then shall we read? Hermeneutics, Typology, and Trinity

What kind of book is the Bible? If, as some suppose, the Bible is simply the product of human ingenuity, then we must read it like we read any other book. The meaning of any particular passage is limited strictly to the intention of the human author who wrote it. Questions pertaining to historical context,… Download Audio

WWUTT 1351 Vengeance is Mine, I Will Repay (Romans 12:19)

Reading Romans 12:19 where we are reminded not to take matters into our own hands, but that the Lord has said, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay.” Visit for all our videos!

WWUTT 1351 Vengeance is Mine, I Will Repay (Romans 12:19)

Reading Romans 12:19 where we are reminded not to take matters into our own hands, but that the Lord has said, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay.” Visit for all our videos!

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