Ref Cast

Put It Away and Crave Pure Milk — 1 Peter @ Covenant Bible Church

1 Peters chapter 2 begins with a continuation of the thoughts from chapter 1. BECAUSE the readers have been born again of imperishable seed, they ought to act a certain way. This includes a putting off of certain behaviors and attitudes that characterize those who are perishing and a craving for something greater that God has provided to nourish the Christian. Listen in here to find out more details about what Peter means and how we are to grow in Christ through “pure milk.”
Preached Oct 18, 2020, @ Covenant Bible Church of Ohio by Michael Coughlin.

Photo by Hugo Fergusson on Unsplash

A Real Podcast Episode: Bearing the Sword in Vain, Church Update, Do Boycotts Work?

Hey, a real episode instead of a sermon upload! Today we will discuss a man who got a 304-year sentence in prison for horrible crimes, an update on my church plant, and talk about how Christians should serve other Christians in business and the economy.

What does it look like to bear the sword in vain?

WWUTT 1315 Q&A Blessing Your Pastor, Christian Liberty, Causing Division, Ravi Zacharias Scandal, Christians Voting Biden

Responding to questions from listeners about being a blessing to your pastor and church, more on Christian liberty, does calling out false teachers cause division, Ravi Zacharias scandals exposed, and can a Christian vote for Joe Biden. Visit for all our videos!

Family Worship I: Soul Care

This week, we’re beginning a new series on family worship with Ryan Bush. Ryan is the editor of A Guide to Family Worship and the President of International Church Planters | Didache Institutes.

International Church Planters:

Puritan: All of Life to the Glory of God:

WWUTT 1314 Understand the Fear of the Lord (Proverbs 2:1-8)

Reading Proverbs 2:1-8 and being reminded that the fear of of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; therefore we should ask what the fear of the Lord is. Visit for all our videos!

Views and Opinions

In this episode (where we are likely to lose listeners) the guys have an unplanned, free flowing, nearly hour-long conversation about a host of controversial subjects, and they even find a point of disagreement! What’s on their minds?Why doesn’t the church do more? (at 8:48) Black Lives Matter (at 12:07)None of you guys are heroes (at 26:50)The church should have humility, boldness, and unity by focusing on the mission of the church. (at 28:40)Why is the ERLC so quiet? (at 32:55)The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, their founders, and 5 Million bucks (at 39:31)Confederate statues (at 48:51)Presidential prediction (at 54:36)Plus, Jimmy wears an ugly shirt.Our SponsorThis episode is sponsored by CROSS20, a special live-stream conference going down December 29-30, 2020 aimed at helping 18-25 year-olds find their place in God's global plan. Featuring speakers like David Platt, John Piper, and Kevin DeYoung participants will walk through The Lord’s Prayer together. Registration is just $10 per person. Register for the conference at And don’t forget to download the free ebook, Genesis to Revelation, at this podcast at — Inquiries:

Nine Miles of Bad Road

Check out Andrew and the Firedrake: 

WWUTT 1313 Have They Not Heard (Romans 10:18-21)

Reading Romans 10:18-21 that the gospel may continue to be preached to the ends of the earth, so that many may hear the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ, come to faith, and be saved. Visit for all our videos!

KIDScast#75 A Trustworthy Saying

A Trustworthy Saying

“This saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”—and I am the worst of them.” – 1 Timothy 1:15


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Song Credit:  Seeds Family Worship: “Not Ashamed” , “Young”

Motivation for Holiness — 1 Peter @ Covenant Bible Church

The letter of 1 Peter contains many practical implementations of the brief exhortation in verse 16 to “be holy as the Lord is holy.”
In verses 22-25, Peter reminds us that our blessed regeneration is of an everlasting, imperishable seed. Because this world is temporary, and there really is an eternity, we can face anything with God’s help and power.
Peter quotes the Old Testament chapter of Isaiah 40 and we are reminded that we are to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Preached Oct 11, 2020, @ Covenant Bible Church of Ohio by Michael Coughlin.

Photo by Hugo Fergusson on Unsplash

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