Ref Cast

WWUTT 1193 There is No Fear of God Before Their Eyes? (Romans 3:18)

Reading Romans 3:18 and summarizing the argument that Paul has made regarding the sinful condition of man and what is at the heart of his wickedness. Visit for all our videos!

What does communion with the Trinity look like?

Why must we not collapse the immanent and economic Trinity? How does the triune God reveal himself in the economy of salvation? What does the Triunity of God have to do with our communion with God? What does John Owen mean by communion with God? What’s the difference between union and communion, and why is… Download Audio

A Word in Season: Back to God's Way (Psalm 119:59)

For this special season of uncertainty, Jeremy Walker, pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England, began making short devotions to warm our hearts to Christ and remind of the certainty of the sovereignty of God. Today’s devotion is from Psalm 119:59.

Read more from Jeremy here:




WWUTT 1192 The Way of Peace They Have Not Known? (Romans 3:15-17)

Reading Romans 3:15-17 where the Apostle Paul quotes from Isaiah 59 about how wicked hearts bring forth wicked actions, and the wicked neither have peace nor bring peace. Visit for all our videos!


When we sin, we strive to substitute our own authority for God’s. Today, Barry Cooper explains what makes our sin so devastating and points to another substitution as our only source of hope. Read the transcript:

A Word in Season: Asking for Wisdom (James 1:5)

For this special season of uncertainty, Jeremy Walker, pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England, began making short devotions to warm our hearts to Christ and remind of the certainty of the sovereignty of God. Today’s devotion is from Hebrews 1.

Read more from Jeremy here:




WWUTT 1191 Their Throat is an Open Grave? (Romans 3:13-14)

Reading Romans 3:13-14 where the Apostle Paul continues to lay out his argument for the depravity of man, which is evidenced even through man’s wicked words. Visit for all our videos!

WWUTT 1191 Their Throat is an Open Grave? (Romans 3:13-14)

Reading Romans 3:13-14 where the Apostle Paul continues to lay out his argument for the depravity of man, which is evidenced even through man’s wicked words. Visit for all our videos!

The 1689 on the Church (26.12)

Happy quarantine! On this episode Jimmy and Joe talk through the benefits of belonging to a local church from the 1689 Confession. Where do we see church “membership” in Scripture? What are the “privileges” of membership? What’s a “censure,” and why does a local church practice church discipline? REFERENCES Through the Westminster Confession, Chad Van Dixhoorn On Church Membership (Doctrine and Devotion) On Church Discipline (Doc trine and Devotion) Tony Doppke preaching at Redeemer Fellowship this past Sunday. OUR SPONSOR The ministry landscape is changing. More and more, pastors need to be equipped with rigorous theological training as well as job skills to make a living where God has called you. That’s why Southeastern Seminary has created the M.Div.-M.B.A. in just 4 years, you can graduate from a theologically rigorous M.Div. program at Southeastern and have the practical job skills of an M.B.A. With leading Baptist scholars like Bruce Ashford, Ben Merkle, and John Hammett, there’s no better time to start your theological training today. Get all the details here. For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

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