Summer Jaeger

Encouragement from the Scottish Covenanters

Few things grant us perspective like pondering the saints that have gone before us. In this episode, we tell the story of a few Scottish covenanters who helped change the course of history and have impacted your own life more than you probably know.
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Hospitality Recommends

Join us to discuss food flops, food moods, food recommends, and how to fight holiday bad moody-ness as you gear up for all things thanksgiving!
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How to Judge a Book by Its Cover

If someone lies every day, what does that make them? Are we afraid to answer that question? Do we want to nuance it? Perhaps it is time we evaluated what it means to make a righteous judgment, and why to practice such a thing in first place!
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Reading This Cultural Moment with Gary DeMar

Why are masks a “left/right” issue? What does worldview have to do with understanding what’s going on around us politically and theologically? In this episode we are joined by Gary DeMar to discuss all of the above!
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How to Eat Your Bible with Nate Pickowicz

We are so excited to be joined by pastor and author Nate Pickowicz to discuss the topic of his book, “How to Eat Your Bible”. We KNOW we should be in the Word, and we KNOW it’s spiritual food, but can we explain the WHY of any of it? Or what about the HOW? Pastor Pickowicz helps us think through these issues in this episode!
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Don’t Ever For Any Reason Do Anything to Anyone for Any Reason Ever No Matter What No Matter Where or Who or Who You Are With or Where You Are Going or Where You’ve Been Ever For Any Reason Whatsoever

In this episode we discuss what it looks like when we don’t know much, but we for sure know someone is committing the cardinal sin of being insensitive.
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What’s So Good About Being a Man? (With Guest Michael Foster)

What are men made for? What are women made for? How does the mission of a man and woman work together? In this episode we are joined by Michael Foster to discuss these kind of stupid questions because we live in a time where it is necessary.
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When a Lack of Shame is Shameful

Shame entered the world as a result of the fall, and there are times when it is right to feel ashamed, and times where it is wrong to feel ashamed. Don’t take your cues on this from the world.
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Bad Book Review: The Making of Biblical Womanhood

The internet is busy talking about the new book, “The Making of Biblical Womanhood”, which asserts that complementarianism is patriarchy, and patriarchy grieves Jesus. In this episode we assess some of Barr’s key arguments and ask what it is that women need to be set free from.
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Bad Movie Reviews

This week we are joined by a surprise guest to discuss what it means to be a bad movie reviewer. Can we think beyond “Disney bad”? Why is Christian content as formulaic as it is? What do we do about it? Join us!
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