Where’s Holly?
Wrapping up our story time summer season this week, Joy tells the unbelievable story of how DNA technology helped solve a mystery that was 30 years old. Join us!
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Wrapping up our story time summer season this week, Joy tells the unbelievable story of how DNA technology helped solve a mystery that was 30 years old. Join us!
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Welcome to our summer time true crime story time! Summer kicks off story time season by telling the weird history of the “western White House,” a neglected mansion in the shadow of San Francisco that’s been passed around for generations and eventually ends up being a crime scene. Join us!
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Have you ever said something and immediately regretted it? Worse yet – have you ever said something stupid and had no clue how stupid it was until years later? Join us this week as we talk through panic rearranging furniture and how to be self-aware.
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Eternity is going to be awesome for the believer. We will not be disembodied creatures floating on clouds by ourselves, however. The fact that we will spend eternity with *other believers* ought to inform how we are living now. Let’s talk about best friends for eternity!
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We are often asked if it is possible that the “good” feminism has accomplished might outweigh the “bad”. So join us this week as we discuss if it’s remotely possible that feminism may have been a net positive.
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Welcome to our yearly summer recommends episode! This is not me, Summer, recommending things…it’s our joint effort to share fun things that we think are worth your time as summer break approaches. We talk books, shows, hair, and other random items. Join us!
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Join us this week as we discuss trash in the road & the failure of nerve that is a fear of failure!
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This week we do our best to avoid semantic games and talk about the difference between being picky and having preferences. What hills are worth dying on? Join us!
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In this episode we answer the Taylor Swift question, which brings us down winding roads that hopefully lead towards wisdom & freedom in content choices for ourselves and our children. Join us!
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Do you struggle with social anxiety? Do you feel uncomfortable around people? Or do you seem to have a lot of relationship issues that feel insurmountable? Join us today as we talk to the solution: fearing God!
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