Summer Jaeger

Managing Your Home in an Anti-Home World

In this episode we talk about practical living in the home. What does family worship look like? What are the general expectations of Christian children and wives and siblings? Join us!
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Unbothered Service

This week we discuss the magic of being unbothered this holiday season. Are your in-laws difficult? Is someone that hates you staying in your guest bedroom? Are you mistakenly believing that any of this is actually about you? Join us as think through ways to serve and lay down our lives in hospitality this holiday season.
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My Best Intentions

This week we talk intentions vs. impact. These were woke buzzwords just a few years ago precisely for the reason that they are typically used in order to excuse behavior that we should otherwise be killing. Join us as we talk through the value of good intentions.
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But What is Evil?

This week we discuss why it is important to be a sweet old lady, why the “problem” of evil isn’t such a problem, and how to think about evil properly. Join us!
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How to Friend

This week we talk about friends. What IS a friend? How do you BE a friend? When should you CONFRONT a friend? Good things the Bible gives us SO MUCH WISDOM on this!
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Thinking Biblically About Purity with Dr. Jared Moore

Join us for a surprisingly fun interview on a not-so-fun topic: is “same-sex attraction” sinful? Dr. Jared Moore helps us think biblically about the nature of sin, and what to know as we battle it. Join us!
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Don’t Be Dumb

Today we talk about the very human (read: sinful) tendency to be really dumb. The best way to be dumb is to refuse to call things what they are, and to overcomplicate what is just plain old sin. Join us to talk about how not to be dumb about your sin.
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Imitation Game

This week we discuss the blessing and the curse of social contagion. We all imitate, but discerning what and who to imitate is another story. Why are women in particular disposed to social pressure? Join us!
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Answering the Mailbag

This week we dive into our inbox to talk back to you about headcovering, infertility, abortion ministry and gendered leadership, and a few other super light hearted topics. Join us!
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Tearing it all Down

In this episode we discuss the problem with hyper focusing on the sins and failures of others. Imagine what the world wold look like if we focused on building for the future instead of overturning the rubble of the past!
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