Tim Challies

A La Carte (July 6)

May the Lord be with you and bless you today.

Just a reminder that I’m posting only A La Carte this week. The usual articles will return next week.
How a Steadfast Heart Guards You in Crisis
“On a morning run last summer, after a major thunderstorm swept through, the path was sprinkled with leaves and branches scattered from the intense winds. As I passed by homes, I did a double take when a thick poplar lay across the yard, blocking the front door. The tree looked thick and strong, yet there it was, snapped like a toothpick.”
Here’s Why You CAN Trust the Bible (Video)
Grek Koukl explains why you truly can trust the Bible.
Enter to Win The R.C. Sproul Signature Classics
Ligonier Ministries has recently released The R.C. Sproul Signature Classics, featuring several of Dr. Sproul’s most influential books in an attractive six-volume collection. This summer, Ligonier is giving away 100 free copies of this book collection. Enter the giveaway today for the opportunity to add this resource to your personal library. (Sponsored Link)
CPM: The Christian Productivity Movement
David Kaywood has an interesting article on what he calls “The Christian Productivity Movement.”
How to Graciously Say No
Related to the subject of productivity, Reagan Rose offers some help on saying “no.”
Citizens of the Kingdom; Aliens in the World
Jim Elliff has a timely reminder that, because we are citizens of the kingdom, we are aliens in this world.
The Importance of Corporate Prayer
I enjoyed this brief article by Michael Haykin.
Flashback: The Joy of Walking with God
No Christian will come to the grave regretting that he has prayed too much, been too holy, or walked with God too closely.

When I consider my best duties, I sink, I die, I despair; but when I think of Christ, I have enough; he is all and in all. —Simeon Ashe

A La Carte (July 5)

The God of love and peace be with you today.

There are a couple of new Kindle deals today. And check out yesterday’s as well if you didn’t catch them then.
Maturing Toward Childlikeness
“It may seem counterintuitive, but Christian growth is a gradual downward movement toward the maturity of childlikeness. Have you ever met a Christian in their later years whose eyes sparkled bright with life? That is a person growing toward childlikeness of heart, not away from it.” What an interesting reality…
Pilgrimage to Dust
Of course we also just plain grow older and experience what comes with aging. “As saints united to Christ by faith, we follow after our Savior. Our bodies will continue to weaken in this life as we walk each day closer to death, but our story doesn’t end there either. Because of Christ’s death and resurrection, we know we too walk towards something greater.”
Are We Facist? Yes, We Absolutely Love Faces!
“Thursday morning met us with a new addition to our church sign. Someone had given up some of their evening to spray paint ‘Facist’ across the front.” Did you spot the typo?
Abraham was justified before Jesus’ incarnation. Is faith in Christ necessary for justification?
“Abraham was justified by faith long before Jesus’ incarnation. Is it necessary that our faith be in Christ specifically?” This video answers the question.
My Reconstructed Faith
“What I don’t often hear are stories of those who have reconstructed their faith. Since I couldn’t find many, I thought I would offer my own story of reconstruction after I abandoned Christianity for progressive Christianity.” Philip Ryan traces his journey past deconstruction.
A Declaration of Dependence
Aimee Joseph: “I am incredibly grateful for and deeply benefit from the Declaration of Independence penned by Thomas Jefferson; however, my soul needs to be stamped with deeper declaration daily: a declaration of dependence.”
Flashback: 5 Cautions for Your Spiritual Disciplines
Don’t read the Bible so you can Instagram your devotions or humblebrag about it on Twitter. Examine your heart to ensure you are using the spiritual disciplines for the noblest of purposes, which is to know and honor God.

In our idolatry we make gifts out to be supreme goods, and make the Giver into the errand boy of our desires. —David Powlison

A La Carte (July 4)

I trust my American friends and family are enjoying their holiday today!

By way of notification, this will be a “light blogging” week at the blog which means I’ll be posting only my A La Carte article each day.
Today’s Kindle deals include several top-quality books from Crossway.
(Yesterday on the blog: Christ was the Great Unlike)
Entrusting the Gospel – Not an Optional Extra
“What is the role of a pastor/minister? What is my job description if I am a pastor? I reckon that the way a church member answers this question often diverges enormously from how the pastor would answer it. And let’s not even speculate on how an outsider would answer it.”
What is Heaven? A Place of Learning
“When you enter heaven, how much will you know? Will you have all knowledge as it pertains to your life? Perfect knowledge as it pertains to everything?” I agree with John who says we will spend eternity learning (but without the frustrations that attend learning here and now).
Is The End of the World Good News?
“When Christians think about the end times, it should fill them with hope. Often, though, we only talk about it as darkness and destruction. How can we discuss the last days and the return of Jesus with non-believers without it being just doom and gloom?” This is a good and important question.
Don’t Be Discouraged by Pride Month
“Scripture says that pride comes before a fall (Prov. 16:18). In America, pride comes before July—for an entire month. I don’t know how your June was, but mine was permeated with a steady stream of multi-colored imagery. It’s the time of year when companies, sports teams, and politicians change their branding to incorporate the new religious icon of our time, the rainbow.”
The More Things Change
Darryl reflects on how much changes and how much just stays the same.
3 ways God protects his people
“Does God protect his people? Whenever a tragic event occurs—and they seem to be coming at an ever increasing rate—it’s hard not to wonder if God really cares. But God does care, and he wants us to know it.” Aaron Armstrong dives into a psalm to show this.
Flashback: 5 Ways To Minister To Other Christians This Sunday
In every part of the life we share together as a church, we have the ability to minister the truth of God’s Word to others. Who in your church needs you to minister the word to them this Sunday?

Do not suppose that you must commit great crimes to be lost. The road of spiritual laziness—doing nothing—leads just as certainly to hell. —J.C. Ryle

Christ was the Great Unlike

We have a natural tendency to attempt to understand what we don’t know by extrapolating from what we do. This works well in much of life, but not so much when it comes to theology, for God comes before comparisons and supersedes them all. When it comes to Christ, he is more unlike than like what we know. This quote from the old preacher De Witt Talmage celebrates how Christ was “the great unlike.”

All good men have for centuries been trying to tell whom this Substitute was like, but every comparison, inspired and uninspired, evangelistic, prophetic, apostolic, and human falls short, for Christ was the Great Unlike.

Adam a type of Christ, because he came directly from God;
Noah a type of Christ, because he delivered his own family from the deluge;
Melchizedek a type of Christ, because he had no predecessor or successor;
Joseph a type of Christ, because he was cast out by his brethren;
Moses a type of Christ, because he was a deliverer from bondage;
Joshua a type of Christ, because he was a conqueror;
Samson a type of Christ, because of his strength to slay the lions and carry off the iron gates of impossibility;
Solomon a type of Christ, in the affluence of his dominion;
Jonah a type of Christ, because of the stormy sea in which he threw himself for the rescue of others.

But put together Adam and Noah and Melchizedek and Joseph and Moses and Joshua and Samson and Solomon and Jonah, and they would not make a fragment of a Christ, a quarter of a Christ, the half of a Christ, or the millionth part of a Christ.
He forsook a throne and sat down on His own footstool. He came from the top of glory to the bottom of humiliation, and exchanged a circumference seraphic, for a circumference diabolic. Once waited on by angels, now hissed at by brigands.
From afar and high up He came down; a-past meteors, swifter than they; by starry thrones, Himself more lustrous; past larger worlds to smaller worlds; downstairs of firmaments, and from cloud to cloud, and through the treetops and into the camel’s stall, to thrust His shoulder under our burdens and take the lances of pain through His vitals, and to wrap Himself in all the agonies which we deserve for our misdoings, and stood on the splitting decks of a foundering vessel, amid the drenching surf of the sea, and passed midnights on the mountains amid wild beasts of prey, and stood at the point where all earthly and infernal hostilities charged on Him at once with their keen sabres—our Substitute!

Weekend A La Carte (July 2)

Logos users will want to grab the free commentary this month and also browse through the collection of nearly-free items. Also be sure to check out the Best Commentaries sale.

Today’s Kindle deals include some new and old books.
(Yesterday on the blog: New and Notable Christian Books for June 2022)
Canada: An Introduction for American Conservatives
This is perhaps a slightly too negative take on the matter, but for American observers, this article does a pretty good job of explaining some of the ways in which Canada is different from our neighbor to the south.
That Beautiful Bow
“Like many Americans, I woke up on June 1st with an Apple Calendar reminder and an inbox full of emails, all announcing the beginning of LGBTQIA++ Pride Month. As a God-fearing, straight, biological male who still goes by the pronouns he/him, I wasn’t really sure what to do about this information.”
Rules of Engagement
On a similar note, “How can we as Christians speak faithfully and helpfully into the chaos? What ‘rules of engagement’ should we follow as we seek to interact with people who disagree sharply with the teaching of Scripture?”
Community: A Struggle to Fit
“When it comes to community in the church, many people feel like onlookers. For many, deep fellowship seems far off. Some feel excluded because they ‘do not fit in,’ and others are unsure how to engage.” Darby Strickland speaks to this in an article at CCEF.
Happy’s standing
Janie B. Cheaney writes about the strange movement to give animals the rights of human beings.
Immersed into Mission
“The mission of the church is to disciple the nations, to call people to trust in Jesus, to follow Jesus, and to obey Jesus. This is the what of the mission, and it is globally focused. All nations are called to the obedience of faith. But what about the how of mission? How should we accomplish this commission to disciple the nations?”
Flashback: Make Some Return To Your Parents
You have the first duty of care toward vulnerable family members who are lacking the necessities of life. If you fail to provide for the genuine needs of your family, and especially that closest circle of family, you’re disobeying God and bringing reproach on the gospel.

We should bring men to Christ, not to our own particular views of Christianity. —C.H. Spurgeon

New and Notable Christian Books for June 2022

As another month draws to its close, I want to make sure you’re up-to-date on some of the noteworthy new Christian books that released in June. In each case I have provided the editorial description so you can learn a little bit about it.

He Is Not Ashamed: The Staggering Love of Christ for His People by Erik Raymond. “Christians belong to God’s own family. This promise is difficult for some people to believe, and even for some believers to remember in their day-to-day struggles with shame or regret. But it’s repeated throughout the Bible, reflected in Christ’s genealogy, and true of the church today; God’s family is filled with broken people whose stories are a testament to his staggering love. In He Is Not Ashamed, Erik Raymond takes a close look at the ‘family portrait’ of God—filled with imperfect people throughout Scripture—and shows that God is not repelled by anyone’s shameful past, but delights to redeem and receive those who believe in him. Studying Hebrews 2:11 and other passages in both the Old and New Testaments, Raymond shows that Jesus’s heart is bent toward those who have an embarrassing history, feel far from God, or struggle with sin. By studying God’s abounding love for undeserving people, Christians learn to accept his grace and confidently embrace their place in God’s family portrait.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)
Proving Ground: 40 Reflections on Growing Faith at Work by Graham Hooper. “There is no such thing as untested Christian faith. The Bible shows us how testing experiences are common to every Christian and are part of God’s good work in making us the people he wants us to be. As we spend so much of our time working, (whether in the home, in voluntary work, study or in a paid job), our work, like every part of our life, provides opportunities to prove for ourselves that God is real and at work in his world for good. Graham Hooper has written this challenging and encouraging book for all Christians, but particularly for those struggling to ‘live out’ their faith at work, or questioning the worth of what they are doing.” (Buy it at Amazon)
Beautiful People Don’t Just Happen: How God Redeems Regret, Hurt, and Fear in the Making of Better Humans by Scott Sauls. “We all carry regret, hurt, and fear. These are burdens that weigh us down and make us feel trapped. In twenty-five years of pastoral ministry, Scott Sauls has come alongside countless individuals and communities through weary seasons and circumstances. From his own seasons of regret, hurt, and fear—including battles with anxiety and depression—he knows what it’s like to be unfinished and on the mend under Jesus’ merciful, mighty healing hand. Beautiful People Don’t Just Happen reads like a field guide that can help you: Find hope in how God is drawn toward you, not appalled by you, in your sin and sorrow; Practice emotional health with joy, gratitude, and lament; Quiet shaming, wearying thoughts with God’s divine counter-voice; Discover how the defining feeling of faith is not strength but dependent weakness; Learn what the Bible calls “the secret of being content” in every circumstance.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)
Why Believe?: A Reasoned Approach to Christianity by Neil Shenvi. “For centuries, skeptics have disputed the claims of Christianity—such as belief in an eternal God and the resurrection of Jesus Christ—arguing that they simply cannot be accepted by reasonable individuals. Furthermore, efforts to demonstrate the evidence and rational basis for Christianity through apologetics are often deemed too simplistic to be taken seriously in intellectual circles. Apologist and theoretical chemist Neil Shenvi engages some of the best contemporary arguments against Christianity, presenting compelling evidence for the identity of Jesus as portrayed in the Gospels, his death and resurrection, the existence of God, and the unique message of the gospel. Why Believe? calls readers from all backgrounds not only to accept Christianity as true, but also to entrust their lives to Christ and worship him alone.” (Buy it at Amazon)
The Air We Breathe: How We All Came to Believe in Freedom, Kindness, Progress, and Equality by Glen Scrivener. “Today in the west, many consider the church to be dead or dying. Christianity is seen as outdated, bigoted and responsible for many of society’s problems. This leaves many believers embarrassed about their faith and many outsiders wary of religion. But what if the Christian message is not the enemy of our modern Western values, but the very thing that makes sense of them? In this fascinating book, Glen Scrivener takes readers on a journey to discover how the teachings of Jesus not only turned the ancient world upside down, but continue to underpin the way we think of life, worth, and meaning. Far from being a relic from the past, the distinctive ideas of Christianity, such as freedom, kindness, progress and equality, are a crucial part of the air that we breathe. As author Glen Scrivener says in his introduction: ‘The extraordinary impact of Christianity is seen in the fact that we don’t notice it’.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)
The StoryChanger: How God Rewrites Our Story by Inviting Us into His by David Murray. “Each person’s life tells a story. These stories have happy chapters, sad chapters, boring chapters, and exciting chapters. Some people seem to author their own stories, while others have the pens snatched from their hands. Some stories feel hopeless. Can our stories ever be rewritten? Will they have a happy ending? David Murray introduces readers to the StoryChanger, Jesus Christ—the only one who can rewrite human stories with his better Story. Both Christians and non-Christians will discover how God’s Story can transform their own messy stories into stories worth telling.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)
A Still and Quiet Mind: Twelve Strategies for Changing Unwanted Thoughts by Esther Smith. “Are you distracted by racing or anxious thoughts? Distressed by intrusive or irrational thoughts? Struggling with sinful or untrue thoughts? You may feel trapped in your own head, but God and his Word have given you many different ways to find freedom. In this practical and sympathetic guidebook, biblical counselor Esther Smith provides twelve powerful strategies that are targeted to different thought struggles. Each chapter is filled with a variety of exercises so that you can begin to change your thoughts right away and live at peace.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)
Tell Me the Stories of Jesus: The Explosive Power of Jesus’ Parables by Albert Mohler. “‘He who has ears, let him hear…’ The Prodigal Son. The Good Samaritan. The parable of the mustard seed. The stories Jesus told during his earthly ministry are packed with such memorable images and characters that they now permeate our culture’s popular imagination. But what if their familiarity has muted their powerful message, causing today’s readers to miss their ability to shock and transform? In Tell Me the Stories of Jesus, renowned pastor and theologian R. Albert Mohler Jr. unlocks the power of Jesus’ parables for readers today. Jesus perfected the art of telling parables–short stories with a surprising twist and an explosive message that confronted his listeners with surprising (and often uncomfortable) truths about the human heart and the kingdom of heaven. But two thousand years later, modern readers may not grasp the cultural and historical context that made these stories so compelling for Jesus’ original audience. Mohler brings Jesus’ stories to life, uncovering the context and allowing readers to hear these stories in all their shocking, paradigm-shifting power.” (Buy it at Amazon)
A Better Encouragement: Trading Self-Help for True Hope by Lindsey Carlson. “Women thrive on encouragement, connection, and support. And yet, this desire leads many to be culturally catechized by a multibillion dollar self-help industry. Because foolish motivational messages flow freely from the world like a dripping faucet and are repeated by the person in the mirror, women remain discouraged, disconnected, and alone. If women believe happiness and success are their responsibility, they will assume discouragement must be too. Women need better news. In this hope-filled book, Lindsey Carlson leads weak and weary women to the well to find better refreshment in the living water of Christ, who speaks a better word of encouragement than the world. As women are connected to God’s promises and God’s people, they will be better encouraged to endure with their hope fixed on Christ.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)
Christian Parenting: Wisdom and Perspectives from American History by David P. Setran. “Today’s parenting guidance can sometimes feel timeless and inviolable—especially when it comes to the spiritual formation of children in Christian households. But even in the recent past, parenting philosophies have differed widely among Christians in ways that reflect the contexts from which they emerged. In this illuminating historical study, David Setran catalogs the varying ways American Protestants envisioned the task of childrearing in the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. Comparing two main historical time periods—the colonial era and the Victorian era—Setran uncovers common threads, opposing viewpoints, and the cultural and religious influences behind the dominant parenting ‘postures’ of each era. The implications of his findings matter for today’s big questions about parenting…” (Buy it at Amazon)
The Seed of the Woman: 30 Narratives that Point to Jesus by Nana Dolce. “The Seed of the Woman traces the gospel storyline through the narratives of women―from the garden of Eden to the times of the matriarchs, the judges, the kings, the Exile―to the birth of Christ. In this thoroughly biblical and encouraging book, Nana Dolce opens up their lives and uncovers deep truths that shape our daily life and faith. Through the stories of these thirty women, we find our place in the fabric of redemptive history as it unfolds to show us Jesus, the promised Seed of the Woman.” (Buy it now at Amazon)

A La Carte (July 1)

Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians. 🇨🇦

At Westminster Books you’ll find a deal on a resource meant to help younger people engage with the great hymns of the Christian faith.
Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of books.
(Yesterday on the blog: Seasons of Sorrow: The Release Event (You’re Invited!))
The Triviality of Pro-Choice Memes
After SCOTUS handed down its decision, “there was much justified jubilation, as well as frustrated weeping, regret, sorrow, fear, and the full panoply of human emotion that such a movement towards costly justice could be expected to engender from advocates and foes. And, of course, in our culture that has displaced reasoned discourse with the image, the ad, and the infographic, there were many annoying memes.”
Is Church Growth Desirable or Dangerous? Yes.
There are lots of good thoughts in this one. “A lack of prayer is a mark of self-sufficiency, and it is simultaneously a cause of self-sufficiency. There could be few things more dangerous for the souls of church leaders than to lead prayerlessly and then to see growth. Woe to him who does not pray for what he needs, but a double-woe to him to whom God grants success apart from prayer.”
Valor Without Renown
Kristin reflects on valor without renown (and life without social media).
If You Find Listening to Sermons Boring, Try This
“During my lifetime I reckon I’ve heard about 4,000 sermons. Often I have been challenged, uplifted, provoked, transformed. Sadly, other times, I have been bored.” Here are some ways to gain more from the sermon.
Gospel Light in the Red Light District
Lauren Ray shares some of her efforts to represent Christ in Amsterdam’s infamous Red Light District.
Gen Z Mental Health Crisis: How Pastors Can Make a Difference
I’ve heard so much about the Gen Z mental health crisis—as have you, I expect. This article shares ways that pastors (and others) can make a difference.
Flashback: You Don’t Really Know Who Your Friends Are Until…
Jesus is unchanged and unchanging. He will not bow to the changing culture, he will not cede to the rising tide. Jesus will only ever be who he is and who he has always been. And each of us has a choice to make.

Don’t ever degenerate into giving advice unconnected to the good news of Jesus crucified, alive, present, at work and returning. —David Powlison

Seasons of Sorrow: The Release Event (You’re Invited!)

I recently announced that I have a new book on the way. Seasons of Sorrow: The Pain of Loss and the Comfort of God will release on September 13 and is now available for pre-order. This is a book I wrote in the year following the sudden death of my son and it tracks through the seasons as I reflect on the deep loss my family experienced and the precious comfort God provided.

Today I would like to let you know that I will be hosting a special launch event for the book. It will take place in Nashville, Tennessee just prior to the beginning of the Getty Music Sing! conference—Monday, September 5 at 10:30 AM (which is Labor Day). It will last for one hour and be completely free to attend. Coffee and tea will be served. (RSVP)
You do not need to be attending the Sing! conference in order to participate in this launch event—it is open to everyone. But if you are attending Sing!, never fear, you will still have plenty of time to get to the opening session.
I am honored that some special friends will be joining me:

Alistair Begg will join me in a conversation about grief and loss (this will be the only chance to see/hear him at Sing! since he will not be participating beyond this)
CityAlight (“Yet Not I but Through Christ in Me,” “It Was Finished Upon that Cross”) has written a brand new song to complement the book and will be debuting it here

And who knows? I can make no promises, but another special guest may turn up as well. Afterward, I will be sticking around and would love to meet as many of you as I can.
The event is being held at Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center (2800 Opryland Dr, Nashville, TN 37214) and will kick off at 10:30 AM.
If you would like to attend, we ask that you RSVP here. Further details, such as the specific room and directions to get there, will be posted here and emailed to you as the date approaches.

A La Carte (June 30)

Grace and peace to you today.

We are wrapping up the month with a few new Kindle deals.
(Yesterday on the blog: Not a Lack of Food, But a Lack of Hunger)
When the Mob Shows Up the Monday After Roe
Michael Lawrence: “About 7 p.m. on Monday, three days after the Supreme Court overturned Roe, between 75 and 100 people assembled at a park near the church I pastor in Portland, Oregon. In broad daylight, they marched to our office building two blocks away.”
God loves to surprise his children
I like this one. “Any parent will tell you, there is something fantastic about surprising your kids. Whether it is birthdays and Christmas, holidays or just a random treat, surprising your kids is wonderful. There is a rich seam of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram content centred on this very thing. Parents love surprising their children. God is no different.”
Life Is Precious
“Are children a limit on personal autonomy? Yes. There’s no getting around it. They take resources. They need help, care, support, food, time, energy, and the list goes on and on. They need everything supplied to them for a long time. And is there a better way to use autonomy than this?”
Dear Anxious Heart, I Want You To Know…
Amber has some encouraging words for those who struggle with anxiety.
I Despise My Sufferings. And I’m So Thankful For Them.
This is a strange paradox, but a familiar one.
60 Questions for Pro-Choice Christians
“I have 60 questions for any Christian who identifies as pro-choice. These are not meant to be dismissive, snarky, or rhetorical. They are much more helpful than calling an entire segment of people ‘bigots’ or ‘baby murderers.’”
Flashback: A Soul Physician
We are all responsible before God to be involved, to observe carefully, to diagnose accurately, and to treat patiently. Are you caring for the souls of others?

If there is no joy and freedom, it is not a church: it is simply a crowd of melancholy people basking in a religious neurosis. If there is no celebration, there is no real worship. —Steve Brown

Not a Lack of Food, But a Lack of Hunger

I was once told of a woman who lived in a cold-weather climate. She suffered from poor health and this in a part of the world where she could not easily get the nutrition she needed. Doctors suggested she travel to the tropics where the setting might be more conducive to a recovery. A few weeks after her departure she wrote to a friend to say, “This is a wonderful spot where I have access to all the good and nutritious food I could ever need. If only I could find my appetite I’d be well in no time.” But within weeks she was gone. In the end, it wasn’t a lack of food that took her life, but a lack of hunger.

And in much the same way, we have before us all the spiritual food we could ever need—enough to fill and sustain us for a lifetime, enough to carry us through the most difficult trials we can ever face, enough to fit us for life on this earth and an eternity of heaven. The question is whether we will take and eat—whether we will satisfy ourselves with the bounty spread out before us.
Do you attend the worship services of your local church? It is here that you will be fed good food. It is here that the Bible is preached and read and prayed, here that you will see the Bible displayed in the ordinances, here that you will join to sing its very words and greatest truths. It is here that week by week you can take and eat. Do you?
Do you read your Bible day-by-day? Generations of our forebears and millions of our contemporaries could only wish to have the access to the Scriptures that we do today—a hundred translations, a thousand apps, a million opportunities to read it, to know it, to obey it. All that can keep you from the Scriptures and all their benefits is a lack of desire, a lack of hunger. Do you fill yourself with this food?
Do you spend time in fellowship with Christians, those who are charged by God to carry out the work of ministry, to speak the truth in love, to encourage you in your faith? To spend time with brothers and sisters is to spend time with those who can speak the greatest truths to your highest joys and your deepest sorrows. Do you spend time with them so you can enjoy the feast they provide?
Do you take advantage of the bounty of resources that is available to all of us today? Never in all of history have we had so many books and blogs, so many broadcasts and podcasts, so many sermons and periodicals. There is a great meal spread before us at every moment of every day and the only question is whether we will partake of it, whether we will join in the feast.
We see many withering and perishing around us, many diminishing and dying. Those who fall away and are lost can not possibly be said to have died from a lack of food, for there is an unending bounty spread before us. They can only be said to have died from a lack of appetite—from a simple failure to take what is offered, what can feed them, what can strengthen and equip them for a lifetime of serving God and an eternity of enjoying him. It is not a lack of food that threatens any of us, but only a lack of hunger.

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