Ask Pastor John

Is ‘De-Gendering’ a Sin?

What might Scripture say to a woman who desperately wants to become a man? Pastor John offers six reasons why attempting to “de-gender” is a tragic act of sin.

Are Christians Obligated to Vote?

Are Christians who have the opportunity to vote obligated to do so — or can we abstain from the whole process for righteous reasons?

Why Christians Don’t Need Holy Shrines

Seven times in the book of Hebrews, the author captures the heart of Christianity in a simple, wonderful command: draw near.

Do Angels Carry Our Prayers to God?

No angel, no saint, and not even Mary herself can improve the access to God we already have through Christ and his finished work.

Was Paul Really the World’s Worst Sinner?

In 1 Timothy 1:15, the apostle Paul claims to have been “the foremost” of sinners. Is Paul speaking in hyperbole here, or was he really the world’s worst sinner?

Overcoming Fear and Passivity in Evangelism

How can we become bolder in evangelism? Pastor John shares a story of his stumbling attempts to love a neighbor, and God’s patient persistence through it all.

Was God at Work in My Pre-Conversion Life?

When we look with eyes of faith on our pre-conversion life, we find abundant reason to thank God for his mercy, and abundant reason to give others hope.

How Could God Be Jealous?

The jealousy of God shows his zeal for his own worth — and it also shows his zeal for our deepest joy.

The God-Centeredness of God Unlocks the Gospel

The biblical mindset puts God and his glory, not man and his desires, at the center of the universe. And grasping this blazing center unlocks the greatness of the gospel.

I Shipwrecked My Faith — Am I Doomed?

Is there any hope for the recovery of a shipwrecked faith? Pastor John offers four reasons shipwreck need not be final.

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