Ask Pastor John

Sinners or Saints — How Should We Speak of Christians?

Should we speak of Christians as saints or sinners? Pastor John explores why Paul addresses Christians as saints dozens of times — and as sinners almost never.

Why We Share the Gospel

What drove the apostle Paul to win people to Christ? He longed to taste the joy of the gospel not only in his own heart, but in the hearts of countless others.

Preaching the Gospel of the Happy God

Sound preaching comes from those who live in the presence of God-centered glory and long to echo his infinite worth.

Can I Really Trust My Interpretation of the Bible?

“The law is good, if one uses it lawfully,” Paul says. But how can we tell if we are using the law in the way that God intends?

How to Keep Your Eyes on Christ

How can we guard against drifting in the Christian life? By looking and looking and looking at Jesus.

How Can I Have a Good Conscience?

You do not need to walk in sinless perfection in order to have a good conscience. You just need to walk in the light.

Did Paul Oppose Fiction?

The apostle Paul strongly warned Timothy and Titus against the “myths” of his day. What might he have to say about the fictional stories in our own day?

Turn Down the Noise and Listen to Jesus

If we’re going to listen to Jesus and not drift away from him, we likely will need to turn down the noises that capture so much of our attention.

Where Do You Draw Lines for Ministry Partnerships?

Where should pastors and other Christians draw lines for ministry partnerships? Pastor John shares the degree of unity he has pursued in six ministry settings.

Were Abortions Induced on Old Testament Adulteresses?

Does Numbers 5:22 suggest that women guilty of adultery were punished with miscarriage? And if so, how does this passage speak to the pro-life position?

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